Denver County Local Coordinating Council
January 19, 2022; 9-10 AM via Zoom
Christian Steward – DOTI, Cooper Langdon – RTD Service Planning, David Krutsinger – DOTI/DCLCC Chair, Dianna Castro – DRMAC, Jaime Lewis – CCDC, Jeff Prillwitz – CDOT, Julia Wcislo – CDOT, Kenna Davis – DRMAC TATF, Matthew Helfant – DRCOG , Michael Davies – RTD, Mike Hughes – West TMA, Steve Martingano – RTD
2021 Accomplishments & 2022 goals for West TMA, Mike Hughes
- TMAs are funded through Federal air quality funding (i.e. CMAQ). West TMA is funded by City of Lakewood, City of Denver, Denver Housing, among others; covers Auraria Campus to Downtown Golden, 20th to Mississippi
- Outreach was challenging due to conditions with COVID-19
- 2022 Goals:
- Helping developers to meet the new travel demand regulations. This includes a development at Meade and 17th
- Membership in a TMA helps the development get points (as part of TMA strategies)
- Other travel demand strategies include full bicycle facilities, car share, RTD passes for residents, etc.
- Received grant to do outreach in Spanish and Vietnamese in Southwest Denver
May 2022 Runboard & Service Changes RTD, Cooper Langdon
- Not changing much for the May 2022 Runboard due to current situation with COVID-19, including the ongoing driver shortage, staffing shortages due to drivers having COVID, and low ridership
- Want to be equitable when adding service, including going through Title VI
Roundtable Announcements
- Matthew said that there was great participation for their most recent call for projects for vulnerable populations. Even with new federal dollars, they were 30% over-requested.
- DRMAC meeting is the first Tuesday of the month at 1:30pm, email to be added to the calendar invite; DRMAC is also starting back up their travel training program.
- Jaime is working to get Medicare funding directly towards Uber/Lyft, dependent on legislation.
- Michael said that the Jeffco LCC is going through a revitalization in 2022 with help from DRMAC.
- Julia said that six new positions were approved for the CDOT Division and Rail and will be posted between now and March 2022. Currently holding interviews for the Deputy Director for DTR. Brodie Ayers has left DTR, and his position will be posted soon.
- Jeff said the Bustang is hoping to add back their seasonal routes but will be dependent on the driver shortage. There have been some changes with contractors who operate routes too.
- Steve shared that RTD now has a Homeless Coordinator on staff.
- Kenna shared that the Denver SRTS Five-Year Action Plan is live and available here.