DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – October 6, 2021
Action Items for this meeting included:
2022 – 2025 TIP Policy Amendments-In compliance with current TIP Amendment procedures, the proposed amendments were approved.
- 2008-076 Region 1 FASTER Pool Increase funding, add four new pool projects, adjust cost on five pool projects, and remove four pool projects.
- 2012-116 Region 4 2013 Flood-Related Projects Pool – Increase funding
Draft Regional Complete Streets Toolkit – Staff requested a motion to recommend to DRCOG’s Regional Transportation Committee (RTC) the draft Regional Complete Streets Toolkit. The Toolkit provides guidance for local governments and project sponsors to plan, design, and implement Complete Streets. It provides strategies and gives support to decision makers, planners, and designers to ensure that multimodal elements are appropriately and effectively incorporated into transportation projects. Staff reported on a robust public engagement process. The TAC moved to recommend the draft toolkit to the RTC.
Informational briefings presented at this meeting:
2020 Annual Congestion Report showing how congestion was different during COVID and some of the takeaways from that period.
Continued discussion of 2024-2027 TIP Policy Elements including changes to the TIP Set Asides. Of note is a suggested 4 million dollar increase for Human Services Transportation
Federal Infrastructure Bill Update informing all what elements are still in the bill not yet passed. Safe Routes to School and Bus Rapid Transit are just some of the programs which could benefit from passage of the bill.
For more detailed information about the meeting, visit DRCOG’s website.