Subcommittee Reports
Finance: Had discussion on RTD’s role in the COVID crisis resolution and the need for rapid vaccinations to assist in RTD’s economic recovery. The discussion included the need to obtain information on distribution and feasibility of COVID 19 vaccines for RTD personnel. The subcommittee also received presentations on CDOT’s financial dashboard and statutes related to RTD.
Governance: Received a presentation from LA Metro regarding its Local Service Council Structure and the role it plays in their governance model.
Operations: Heard a presentation from RTD and DRCOG’s Matthew Helfant on the current fare structure. There was discussion regarding best practices and how RTD could simplify their current structure while promoting ridership.
Legislative and Governance Model Concepts
There was additional discussion about statutes and proposed legislative changes affecting parking fees which could assist RTD financially. There was also further discussion regarding the governance structure of RTD and different models from around the country. To review complete minutes of the meeting, go visit DRCOG’s website.
The next meeting of the full committee will be December 14th.