Transgender Center of the Rockies
Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Gilpin, Jefferson, Member ResourceTransgender Center of the Rockies (a Program of Mile High Behavioral Healthcare) offers holistic mental health services and support for Colorado’s transgender and gender-expansive community.

One Colorado – Resource Hub
Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Eagle, El Paso, Gilpin, Grand, Jackson, Jefferson, Larimer, Member Resource, Park, Pitkin, Routt, Statewide, Summit, Teller, WeldOne Colorado is the state’s leading advocacy organization dedicated to advancing equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) Coloradans and their families.

The Center on Colfax – Resource directory
Denver, Member ResourceThe Center on Colfax offers an extensive range of resources to support Colorado’s LGBTQ+ community. These services include access to mental health resources, HIV/STI testing and prevention, housing and homelessness support, and legal assistance.…

Assistive and Medical Devices and Technologies – AgeWise Colorado resources
Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Eagle, El Paso, Gilpin, Grand, Jackson, Jefferson, Larimer, Member Resource, Park, Pitkin, Routt, Statewide, Summit, Teller, WeldAgeWise Colorado has a list of technology services and Participating Providers. New products and services are being added for Coloradans and modified regularly and includes products like Smart Home Sensors, Medication Reminders, Wearables and…

Colorado Visiting Nurse Agency
Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, El Paso, Gilpin, Jefferson, Larimer, Member Resource, Park, TellerColorado Visiting Nurse Association provides the most appropriate range of health care solutions to allow people to remain independent while healing or aging at home.
Contact information: Wellness: 303-698-6420 | Home Health: 303-698-2121…

North Range Behavioral Health
Member Resource, WeldNorth Range Behavioral Health provides compassionate, comprehensive care for people who face mental health and substance use disorder challenges.
Contact information: Phone: 970-347-2120

Meals on Wheels – Denver Metro’s Volunteers of America (VOA)
Adams, Arapahoe, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Gilpin, Jefferson, Larimer, Member ResourceMeals on Wheels is delivering meals to home-bound seniors.
An individual must be 60 years of age or older to receive Meals on Wheels. Other criteria for eligibility apply in specific limited circumstances. Please include your name, address…

Member ResourceThe Arc of Aurora’s social enterprise that strives to change knowledge, attitude, and behavior through original content to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities through training and…

Podcast – Parenting with an Intellectual/Developmental Disability (IDD)
Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Eagle, Gilpin, Grand, Jackson, Jefferson, Member Resource, Pitkin, Routt, Statewide, SummitTHINK+change podcast/vodcast series, explores what it’s like to be a parent with an intellectual/developmental disability (IDD).

The Denver Santa Claus Shop
Denver, Member ResourceChildren between the ages of 0-11, who are Denver residents, can receive toys this holiday season from Denver Santa Claus Shop! To take part and shop for toys, parents need a referral from one of the following: Denver Human Services, Social…