I am writing today to friends and associates all bcc’d. I have known most of you for a number of years and wanted to share the bittersweet news.
Today is July 1st and the start of a new era for the SRC Transportation staff as one door closes and another opens.
SRC and Via Mobility Services have worked hard along with CDOT, DRCOG and others to create a seamless transition of transportation services once offered through SRC to metro area seniors and keep from having a gap as Via takes the helm. Effective today we have become part of Via.
The entire SRC transportation staff, including myself, are very excited by the potential to grow moving forward as a part of the awesome Via team!
All things remain the same for now; same phone numbers, dispatch team, drivers and vehicles. Changes of course will be coming but for now all contact information remains the same.
Happy 4th of July and stay well.
Hank Braaksma
Via Mobility Services
Office – 303.235.6970
Cell – 303.917.6692