Because of the COVID-19 health crisis, Denver Public Schools has had to come up with plans for what in-person learning may look like once we are able to safely welcome our students back into our buildings. The discussions on what the new normal for schools could look like have been extensive. We have received guidance from Denver Health and the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment, along with feedback from our students, families, teachers and school leaders. This video gives a glimpse at what our new learning environments may look like. Read more
Articles about Transportation
As states and workplaces prepare to open up after the lockdown, many people are looking for alternatives to public transit to get to work. Read more
SAPGA had a rural transit providers virtual meeting today. The main topics were innovative ways to cope with potential future lack of funding; ways to make riders feel safe again; and what is working where. This group is made up of mobility managers and transit agencies from around the state; special guests were the Directors of the various Agencies on Aging. They spoke about their vouchers programs – or in some cases, why they do not have a voucher program. The next meeting is June 23 at 12:00 also online. For more information, contact Jarrett Hughes at SAPGA
The state transit collective met on a weekly virtual COVID 19 call this morning. Among the topics were safety shields for drivers – types of material, and how they stand up in a crash. The state’s new Medicaid program, IntelliRide, was also on the agenda – it is on the state website as starting statewide on June 1, but no one had been notified yet. Demand response service was reviewed – ridership is still low, and many services are operating primarily on “reverse service” – delivering medicines and groceries to their clientele. There was some discussion about volunteer driver programs, Lyft & Uber, and what areas have had success stories. The next meeting has not been announced; contact for more information.
Starting a new life in the U.S. is never easy for refugees, but doing it during a pandemic has created more struggles. Read more
The Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration are requesting feedback from residents on the regional transportation planning process. The agencies invite you to directly express your opinion to them about the efforts of DRCOG and its partners, the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Regional Transportation District, in their planning work to address major transportation issues facing the region. View the flyer and take the three-minute questionnaire by Friday, June 12.