Colorado COVID-19 cases are rising at a rate so concerning to Governor Jared Polis that at a press conference yesterday, June 30, he announced the statewide closure of bars and nightclubs — settings that have fueled spikes in other states. As he did so, Polis warned that failing to act could trigger an even greater toll across the state — including in Denver. Read more
After having two work sessions earlier this month, the TAC came to a consensus on the project solicitation and evaluation process for the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (2050 MVRTP). The Policy Framework and Desired Outcomes, “dual track” process, and qualitative evaluation approach for looking at projects will be pushed forward to the RTC. A presentation was given on the status of Regional Data Acquisition Projects. Discussion was also initiated regarding the 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program COVID-10 Impacts and the possibility of using toll credits to assist projects with costs. Updates were also provided about Urban Arterials and the AMP Working Group. For more information visit DRCOG’s website.
Just a few weeks after he announced that Coloradan’s responsible choices had made it possible to reopen bars, Gov. Jared Polis will reverse course. He said it’s too hard to social distance and prevent transmission of COVID-19 so bars will have to close again to in-person service. Read more
First Wednesday of each month at 10:30 – virtual meeting – no driving required! Bring your local knowledge and meet with your neighbors. Contact to be added to the mailing list and get an invitation to the meeting.
Our July meeting centered on upcoming local work on the I70 corridor. There will be no work from July 2 until July 7 to allow holiday traffic free flow, but shortly thereafter there will be paving and construction between the Mt Evans exit (240) and the tunnel. The work is intended to eventually add express lanes westbound. For more information contact . Silver Plume reported that their new sound wall is almost completed. They are concerned about traffic passing through town to avoid I70 backups. They have two stop signs that are often ignored by through traffic.
Loveland resort reported that they would be losing their normal contingent of roughly 30 J-1 Visa workers but that they expected to open as usual this fall. They are working on how to carry their normal number of workers up from Denver – in the past their three daily shuttle runs were usually full. No solutions yet. The Office of Innovative Mobility has cut back on some of their projects, and the anticipated car pool app is on hold as the state legislators did not have time to work on a number of bills due to COVID, including the one that would have opened up this situation.
Snowstang may not run this upcoming season. CDOT is hoping to get those who own mountain homes to spread their commute over 4-day weekends to alleviate traffic backups. The group discussed the passenger vehicle traction law and the possible uses/problems with Lyft and Uber in the immediate area. Work Force should be included in future conversation. The group will meet next on August 5 at 10:30.
You can now return your Denver Public Library books and other items via the library system’s book drops. Curbside pickup service is scheduled to start July 7.
There are many ways to connect with the Denver Public Library virtually. Here is what is happening in July:
- The Summer of Adventure has started! Register for the Denver Public Library’s Summer of Adventure program online at or by phone at 720-865-1111.
- Connect with good stories on the phone: LitLine for Adults at 720-865-2003 or Phone-a-Story for children at 720-865-8500
- Chat with a librarian 24/7 through Ask Us or call 720-865-1111 Monday through Friday 11 AM – 3 PM.
Library Resources on Race & Social Justice
Looking for more resources on issues of race and social justice? Look no further than our own Denver Public Library (DPL). DPL’s website includes lists of anti-racism materials for adults, kids and families in a variety of formats. Many are available online right now and they’re free, as always.