Project Worthmore

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Community Navigators help with essential services and programs that can often be overwhelming for newcomers – enrolling children in school, applying for government benefits, finding meaningful employment, navigating the healthcare system,…

Lutheran Family Services

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No-Cost legal support to include completion of different forms pertaining to immigrant families/individuals. For more information Visit: Call: (303) 389-2337 Email:

Colorado Housing & Finance Authority (CHFA)

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CHFA strengthens Colorado by investing in affordable housing and community development. For more information Visit:

Assistance Programs and Disability (THINK+change)

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An educational package from THINK+change designed to empower people with disabilities, their families, and caregivers to access the government programs they need. These products aim to reduce stigma, simplify the complicated systems, and foster…

Whole Person Conversations

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Whole-person Conversations is about supporting people as they deal with losses of all types. Grief has cognitive, emotional, and physical reactions to loss. Traditionally, grief is related to death and linear stages; however, we grieve many…


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Vivo is a virtual, live, and interactive fitness program for anyone 55+ over Zoom. Their classes are designed to build strength, accountability, mobility, and balance in a safe, engaging way. For more information Visit: Call:…

Centennial State Prosperity

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Centennial strives to uplift the voices of hardworking folks through the legislative process by connecting Coloradans with their elected officials on the issues facing our communities. Coloradans need to be able to have their voices heard whether…

Medicare PharmASSIST

Medicare PharmASSIST helps seniors save money on their prescriptions by combining several sources of information: medication names and dosages, pharmacy type, plan information, community programs and governmental regulations to identify strategies…

Adaptive Mobility, LLC (Denver office)

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At Adaptive Mobility, their mission is to enhance safety and independence in the home for individuals with physical disabilities, seniors, and those facing mobility challenges. They specialize in providing and installing ramps, bathroom modifications,…


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A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing audio access to print information and empowering services for blind, low vision, or individuals that need an alternative to print across Colorado. If you have any announcements that benefit…