Can Corporate Micromobility Companies Really Turn Its Riders Into Street Safety Advocates?
NewsMicromobility giant Lime is launching a program that the company says will turn its riders into activists for comprehensive street safety in their unique places — an unconventional move that some are greeting with optimism, but some are greeting…

COVID-19: Denver Neighborhoods With the Most Deaths Now
NewsColorado COVID-19 cases are rising at a rate so concerning to Governor Jared Polis that at a press conference yesterday, June 30, he announced the statewide closure of bars and nightclubs — settings that have fueled spikes in other…

DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – June 22nd, 2020
Transit AdvocatesAfter having two work sessions earlier this month, the TAC came to a consensus on the project solicitation and evaluation process for the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (2050 MVRTP). The Policy Framework and Desired Outcomes,…

Polis Orders Bars Closed Again For In-Person Service, Announces ‘Protect Our Neighbors’ Rules
NewsJust a few weeks after he announced that Coloradan's responsible choices had made it possible to reopen bars, Gov. Jared Polis will reverse course. He said it's too hard to social distance and prevent transmission of COVID-19 so bars will…

Clear Creek LCC – July 1st, 2020
Transit AdvocatesFirst Wednesday of each month at 10:30 – virtual meeting – no driving required! Bring your local knowledge and meet with your neighbors. Contact kwilliams@drmac-co.org to be added to the mailing list and get an invitation to the meeting.

Denver Public Library to Resume Limited In-person Services
You can now return your Denver Public Library books and other items via the library system’s book drops. Curbside pickup service is scheduled to start July 7.
There are many…

Senior Resource Center transportation services now closed
NewsI am writing today to friends and associates all bcc’d. I have known most of you for a number of years and wanted to share the bittersweet news.
Today is July 1st and the start of a new era for the SRC Transportation staff as one door closes…

Colorado highway department collecting public opinions on Front Range rail
NewsMoney is tight in Colorado right now, but the state highway department is trying to keep alive Gov. Jared Polis' long-term plan for Front Range commuter rail, and is asking the public for input.