Member Highlight: Montbello Organizing Committee-Mayra Gonzales
• Began when last full-service grocery store left the neighborhood. Have been working with RTD to maintain/improve bus service throughout the neighborhood and connections to the A-Line.
• Working on multimodal and built environment – The FreshLo Initiative combines health, economic development, creative placemaking, and equity.
o Sustainable Food Access System
o Ongoing Community Engagement
o Walkable Loop
o The FreshLo Hub
• Community Solution – The HUB:
o 182,436 gross sq. ft.
o 7 floors with underground garage
o Full-service grocery store
o 6 local retail spaces
o 6 community office spaces
o Performance and cultural center: Performance space & theater, lobby gallery space, & 6 rehearsal & recital rooms.
o 97 units of affordable housing (1, 2, 3 bedrooms)
Sun Valley Subcommittee Breakouts
• Outreach and Marketing Subcommittee
o Coordinate outreach to various community stakeholders including community organizations and youth in area.
o Create resources including rider guides and app-based transit resources, and connecting youth to programs that aid them in becoming more experienced & confident public transportation users.
• Safety & Security Subcommittee
o Connecting youth & transit police and formulate & implement strategies to improve relations & create open dialogue between these two groups
• Data Analysis Subcommittee
o Access various datasets to help improve outcomes for youth in transit
o Example: Showing percentage change in number of youth transit passes purchases
o Example: Acquire data surrounding time it takes for youth to get to school & after school programs by taking public transportation.
Subcommittee Reports
• Safety & Security Subcommittee
o Work with data team to define goals; figure out if safety is an issue.
o Work with RTD for sensitivity and cultural training.
o Are there negative interactions and what are the demographics of those interactions?
o The difference between DPD and RTD transit police.
• Outreach and Marketing Subcommittee
o Short term – helping youth feel safe with COVID-19.
o Making it cool to use the bus; truck/car culture within the neighborhood.
o Connecting with other groups within the community and have intersection goals with (i.e West Area Plan) and local neighborhood organizations/amentities.
• Data Analysis Subcommittee
o Accessing specific datasets may be difficult, such as youth ridership. Need to verify if we can get that data or if it will have to be just overall ridership of the Decatur-Federal Station. Jyotsna will verify with RTD.
o Work with other subcommittees to provide data for their groups.
o Work with WalkDenver to look at pedestrian safety and access to transit stops.
o What data are we asking for and why are we asking for: increase youth transit ridership and make transit a safe transportation option.
o DOTI has looked at bus stops along the Federal corridor (2019) – Lindsey & Christian to look into that data.
Next meeting:
September 16, 2020; 9-10 AM
Zoom Meeting