Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) health centers utilized telehealth platforms in various creative and interesting ways. However, as the pandemic swept across the nation making in-person visits less safe, HCH health centers transitioned rapidly—in some instances overnight—to relying on telehealth for client care. Read more
Articles about Transportation
Safety features that would make vehicles far less lethal to pedestrians exist right now. Why aren’t they required? Read more
What would you do if your city built a comprehensive network of generous mobility lanes that were open only to bikes and scooters — but put them in the middle of the roadway, surrounded by fast-moving car traffic on both sides? Read more
The Group Living Public Review Draft was released on July 17. There is a 30-day review period when you can send your comments. Please note, if you sent your comments before July 17, you will need to resend them. Before you submit comments, I encourage you to schedule a time to talk with me. I have already met and talked with many of you about this proposal and the problems it is trying to solve. One-on-one and small group discussions have been very useful to me and to residents. I also encourage you to read my narrative detailing the history, process and the proposal itself.
There will be a public hearing and vote of the Planning Board on August 19. The proposal will come to the Council in September for discussion, public hearings and ultimately a vote in October. These proposed text amendments to the Denver Zoning Code would update residential use regulations to increase housing opportunities and flexibility for many residents.
- Download public review draft (PDF)
- Read brief overview of proposed amendments (PDF)
- Read detailed overview of proposed amendments (PDF)
How to submit comments on the draft:
- Submit written comments by email: and by August 17.
- Prior to the Council vote this fall, Councilwoman Black or her aides are able to meet with you to discuss the proposal.
- In addition to meeting with me, you can also meet virtually with a member of the project team in a small group or one-on-one to ask questions and share comments: Sign up for an appointment.
- All comments received during the review period (July 17 – August 17) will be reviewed by staff, who may make additional changes to the draft amendments based on community input. All comments will also be shared with the Denver Planning Board ahead of the board’s review of the amendments.
- Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting (virtual)
- Introductions – 42 in attendance
- Meet every month 2:00pm-4:00pm
- Mobility for All
- Technology Workshops
- Trained 20 Ambassadors
- 9 active in post-COVID Events
- 25 Workshops in 2020
- 17 Pre-COVID, 8 Post-COVID
- 137 People Attended
- 46 Pre-COVID, 91 Post-COVID
- Program Evaluation
- Local Coordination Council
- 9 stakeholder interviews
- 5 Peer Agency Interviews
- Hopelink
- Maryland Department of Transportation
- Rabbit Transit
- Ride Connection
- Tompkins County Coordinated Transportation Planning (Ithaca, NY)
- 155 Survey Respondents
- How valuable was the transportation assistance
- I need transportation service to
- Outcomes-based evaluation Framework`
- Top Priority items
- Improve Marketing & Visibility
- Strengthen Metrics to Demonstrate Results & Outcomes
- Sustainable Funding
- Strengthen Project Practices
- Improve LCC Design and Inclusive Planning
- Focus on Sub-Populations within Boulder County
- Ride Fee Lafayette
- Making A Video
- Bus Wrap
- Creating a map
- Program w/ Thorne Nature Group on access to Art Center- focused on low income children
- Local Coordination Council
- Trained 20 Ambassadors
- Technology Workshops
- RTD LiVE Program
- Marketing
- Updating website
- Providing partner toolkits
- LiVE videos: introduction, common questions: applications, etc. and now that you have your LiVE card
- Shareable on social media in English/Spanish and closed captioning
- Email blast to LiVE subscriber list
- Data for enrollment for each county is being evaluated for variables
- Boulder LCC is wanting to launch a program for Boulder non-profits for training
- Offer 2 months of transit pass subsidies
- Program updates:
- LiVE Certification is every year
- 15-45 days to receive card
- Kimberly Ford is working with human service organizations and homeless shelters to see the barriers they are having. Part of the Taskforce Denver Homeless.
- Marketing
- Grant Coordination: Letters of Support/ Commitment
- DRCOG HST Set Aside
- Ride Free Lafayette – year 2
- RTD Access-a-Ride Certification Center Feasibility Study
- Analyze where people are signing up from
- Site selection
- Electric Vehicle CarShare Proposal
- Via Mobility Services
- eGo Car Share
- looking into 2 to 3 eGo cars at housing authority sites
- Mobility for All
- DRCOG HST Set Aside
- Via Mobility
- SRC’s Transportation Program
- Transition began July 1,2020
- Expansion of Via’s Service Area
- Updates:
- Not accepting new riders at this time, hopefully 1st of October
- Current time frame for rides, 7:30-2pm-hoping to expand time frame by hiring more drivers
- Takes 4-4 ½ weeks to train new drivers
- Getting new uniforms, badges, brochures, and cleaning supplies
- Currently getting buses wrapped and doing COVID trainings
- Looking into Route Match for on demand rides-further down the road
- Susan Umper (sp), travel trainer is stepping down. Training Denise Stratioko (sp) to take over.
- SRC’s Transportation Program
- SH 119 First & Final Mile Study
- What is the First and Final Mile Gap
- A first or final mile gap is a barrier that discourages potential riders from using transit because a station cannot be easily accessed from home, work, or other destination.
- Can include trip distances, street network and design, or lack of available transportation options.
- The easier it is to access the system; the more likely people are to use it.
- What is the First and Final Mile Gap
- Categories of Recommendation:
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections
- Crossings
- Corridors
- Walking/biking across SH 119
- Wayfinding signage
- Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
- Shared Parking (Gunbarrel station only)
- Microtransit (Gunbarrel station only)
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections
- Process:
- Assessment of baseline data and previous plans
- Public and stakeholder engagement
- Recommendations
- Corridor-wide
- 3-4 stations with additional detail
- Implementation
- Funding sources
- Phasing
- Cost estimates (upfront capital and ongoing maintenance)
- Schedule
- Task 1: Consultant contracting, kick-off, scoping meeting and public outreach plan:
- April-June 2020
- Kick-Off Meeting May 2020
- Stakeholder Meetings (x10) June-Nov 2020
- Public Engagement July 2020
- Deliverable Due June 2020
- Task 1: Consultant contracting, kick-off, scoping meeting and public outreach plan:
- Task 2: SH 119 First and Final Mile Corridor-wide Evaluation and 63rd Street transit Station Shared Parking:
- May-Sept 2020
- Deliverable Due August 2020
- Task 3: First and Final Mile Corridor-wide and Local Recommendations:
- July-Oct 2020
- Deliverable Due October 2020
- Task 4: Prepare Draft and Final Report:
- Oct 2020-March 2021
- Deliverable Due Dec 2020 and March 2021
- What to Expect
- Small, station area-specific focus groups
- Stakeholder meetings
- Public engagement in mid-summer
- Draft recommendations
- Monday 9/14/2020
- Location: virtual (Microsoft Teams)
- Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm