DRCOG’s Technical Advisory Committee held 2 work sessions to further talk through and refine the proposed next steps for developing the 2050 MVRTP addressing project eligibility, solicitation, and evaluation. Revisions focused on two aspects: • Revising the content of the proposed next steps based on feedback received • More clearly communicating the intent of the proposed concepts. One of the most important concepts underpinning proposed next steps to 2050 MVRTP regional investment priorities is expressed as the “Policy Framework and Desired Outcomes.” This framework was revised and depicted in a diagram that was inclusive of all the DRCOG plans and processes (Vison Zero, Coordinated Transit Plan, etc.) as well as planning efforts and processes from RTD, CDOT, FTA, and local governments/districts. Major themes for proposed MVRTP projects were presented as well.
The proposed solicitation process would take place through county transportation forums and a review of projects between DRCOG, RTD, and CDOT with an evaluation committee making recommendations to the TAC. TAC will determine investment priorities to send to RTC. For more information visit these links to the June 8th and June 15th work sessions.