We’ve all heard it many times: Wear a face covering — indoors, outdoors, on trains and buses. At work, in the supermarket and at church. But now a new modeling study out of Cambridge and Greenwich universities suggests that face masks may be even more important than originally thought in preventing future outbreaks of the new coronavirus. Read more
Articles about Transportation
Between May 9 and June 3, 150 clusters of new coronavirus cases emerged in France, according to the country’s national public health body. Defined as three cases or more of Covid-19 linked by contact, these clusters occurred largely in the sort of places you might predict they would: healthcare facilities, workplaces and homeless shelters — all sites where people mix in enclosed spaces for long periods of time and, in the case of hospitals, where people who are already infected are likely to congregate. Read more
In March and April, hundreds of residents in nursing homes died as COVID-19 ripped through elder care facilities. It took months for facilities and the state to build better testing capacity, create isolation plans for sick residents and expand access to personal protective equipment, but over the last several weeks, new outbreaks in nursing homes have declined significantly.
DENVER — After weeks of isolation, a group of young adults in Montbello are working overtime to help seniors who cannot leave their homes due to the threat of COVID-19. Read more
The sites are located in under-served areas, including places where Black and Latino residents are being disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Read more
June 8, 2020
Dear EcoPass Coordinators,
RTD resumes fare collection and front-door boarding July 1
Beginning July 1, riders will board at the front of buses and will be asked to pay with a ticket, pass or cash when riding on the RTD system. EcoPass holders will be asked to tap the validator upon boarding the bus, and prior to boarding light rail. Please share this information with your employees.
The agency asks riders to be partners in safety by wearing a face covering and keeping 6 feet between them and others when riding or waiting to board vehicles. To learn more about the measures RTD continues to take to keep its employees and riders safe, visit rtd-denver.com/coronavirus.
Refunds and Credits
We will begin to process refunds and disburse via U.S. Mail a few weeks after fare collection resumes on July 1.
Thank you,
RTD Market Development