Gov. Jared Polis joined Mayor Michael Hancock in Denver today to announce a free, drive-up COVID-19 testing site at the Pepsi Center parking lot for people throughout the metro area. Read more
Articles about Transportation
In the first few weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic in Colorado, elder-care facilities quickly became the primary centers of disease.
The state banned communal activities and visitors in nursing homes starting March 12, and ordered them to screen their employees for symptoms before shifts. Even so, COVID-19 creeped into the facilities, where it is suspected of killing 718 people. Read more
Zoom Meeting
Moira Moon (CDOT) reviewed the proposed Action Plan for 2020, which includes making transit safe and attractive for the youth in Sun Valley through education, travel training, and identifying and resolving concerns related to using transit.
Matthew Helfant and Lisa Houde from DRCOG presented and asked for feedback on DRCOG’s Coordinated Transit Plan. The group participated in an online survey; the official questionnaire is available online or via mail by request:
Next meeting:
June 17, 2020; 9-10 AM
Zoom Meeting
AURORA, Colo. — The only VFW post in Aurora shut down during stay-at-home order, but the bills kept coming in. Now, Post 3631 may have to close its doors for good if help doesn’t come fast. Read more
El Distrito Transporte Regional (RTD) les invita un evento en español sobre teléfono y Facebook con la presidenta de la junta directiva de RTD, Angie Rivera-Malpiede y otro personal de RTD para contestar sus preguntas sobre los esfuerzos para mantener los servicios te tren y autobús limpios y seguros. Acompáñenos y aprender más de los cambios de servicios, suspensión de tarifas y como puede ayudar mantener un sistema salva cuando usando servicios de transporte público. Preguntas respondidas con gusto.
Para participar por teléfono: 855-543-3425.
The Regional Transportation District will host an Access Live Event featuring RTD Board Chair, Angie Rivera-Malpiede and other RTD staff to provide updates on RTD services and changes during COVID 19, various discount fares, staffing and operator updates and other RTD topics and initiatives. Please note, this entire Telephone Townhall meeting will be conducted in Spanish only.
To participate by phone: Dial 855-543-3425.
For more information, visit:
The Technical Working Group meeting included an overview of Reimagine RTD and the work completed so far. The impact of COVID 19 on RTD and the Reimagine process was part of the agenda, and RTD shared their response to COVID as well as some financial implications of COVID on the system. The group broke into smaller groups to discuss whether the impact of COVID-19 changed members’ perception of what success looks like for RTD and how Reimagine RTD can be used to maintain the relevance of transit. Some of the markers of success were the same, but some were different or took on a higher priority such as health and safety and service for those who are transit dependent. Using the Technical Working Group as consultants or a “brain trust” for responding during this crisis was suggested. The final part of the meeting was spent on a county by county breakdown of FasTracks financial data and the outreach for Reimagine targeted for the fall. Follow Reimagine RTD and participate in the discussion at