Public hearing: Proposed amendment to the 2040 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, June 17
To adhere to social distancing guidelines, this meeting may be held virtually or have a significant virtual component. Check the event page for up-to-date information about the meeting location and instructions for virtual participation.
The public hearing is an opportunity to comment on a proposed amendment to the 2040 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan and associated air quality conformity documents. Can’t attend? Submit your comments online.
Why you might be interested:
The 2040 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan guides the region’s future multimodal transportation system. The plan presents both an unconstrained and a financially constrained vision for the transportation system needed to respond to future growth, maintenance needs and demographic trends.
The air quality conformity documents demonstrate that the proposed amendment to the Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan is in conformity with federally prescribed motor vehicle emissions thresholds.
How you can share your thoughts on these documents:
The proposed amendment and air quality conformity documents can be reviewed on the DRCOG website. You can share your thoughts on these documents by:
- Speaking at the meeting: Please attend the public hearing on June 17. Visit the hearing’s event page to find information about the meeting location and virtual participation. If you have any questions about the meeting, please email Lisa Houde at or call 303-480-5658.
- Submitting written comments via email or mail: You may email written comments before 5 p.m. on June 17 to Lisa Houde at or mail them to DRCOG Chair, 1001 17th Street, Suite 700, Denver, CO 80202.
- Submitting written comments on the DRCOG website: Use this form to submit comments online.