Articles about Transportation
- The December meeting will be replaced by the Mobility Heroes Luncheon on December 13th from 12-2pm
- New MAC Co-chairs, Adriana Torres and Elaine
- Weld County/Larimer County/Boulder County coordinating council meeting has been rescheduled to February 25th from 1-3:30pm in Berthod Town Hall. Angel will be sending out carpool sign ups closer to the date.
- Sarah Lee updated on the Access Ride Passenger Advisory Committee (APAC) and proposed changes to Access on Demand.
- The discussion highlighted the high demand for wheelchair-accessible vehicles (WAVs), with the current fleet fully booked and no spares available if a vehicle goes out of service. Procuring additional WAVs is challenging due to their high cost, limited availability, and shrinking interior space in newer models, which raises accessibility concerns. The scarcity of minivans, both accessible and non-accessible, further complicates the situation. WAV drivers are operating at maximum capacity, and scheduling efforts are focused on meeting the growing demand. Dani confirmed that feedback on these challenges has been shared with the civil rights team at RTD
- Angel presented Mobility for All’s achievements over the past year, including outreach events, education workshops, and bike programming. The meeting concluded with updates from various organizations and a discussion on potential agenda items for future meetings.
- Mobility for All will be doing a travel training “Train the Trainer” training sometime in January
- Corey mentioned launching the RTD’s coordination project connecting call centers with scheduling systems for three volunteer providers in Northern Colorado.
- Bobby mentioned launching a new car and EV in Superior and planning to add another EV in Longmont.
- Lindsay mentioned preparing for the next administration and monitoring the reauthorization of the Older Americans Act, which affects funding for various programs including transportation.
- Bustang/Outrider will be starting the Denver to Crested Butte route in January
- Sterling to Denver route is now going into DIA
- RTD Updates
- Board of directors received presentation on fleet transition plant and full report is due in December
- Ballot measure 7a passed by 71%. Douglas county voted for 61%
- Transportation legislation review committee
- Meets to review and prepare legislation
- Increased transportation road choice reduced emissions
- Would require CDOT to look at statewide assessment and come up with mode choice breakdown throughout the state (SOV, public transit, biking, walking, etc.). Look at air quality and figure out which mode of transit needs to be increased to improve air quality
- Governor’s transit vision for 2025
- Railroad investigative report confidentiality
- Current state law that oversees public utilities commission (oversee RTD safety for Light Rail)
- Currently there’s a confidentiality statement that no final report on a rail accident gets released. Some smaller reports get released but the full report doesn’t get released. The new proposed idea would be to make that required to be released.
- Paratransit services
- Currently, RTD follows this bill as drafted. It gives directions to say any paratransit servicer needs to coordinate with emergency services like a fire department so if there’s a situation like an evacuation, there’s coordination. The second part is to require paratransit providers to make sure fare collection system is equitable to fixed route services. For example, if a new mode of collection is introduced on fixed route, it would likely be required to implement on all paratransit service.
- Questions: If you don’t collect fare, will you need fare collection equipment? Does this extend to peripheral paratransit agencies or just the regional transit agency? What’s the definition of emergency to cooperate with other agencies (traffic accident? Natural/human disaster? Etc.)
- Benefit of collaboration with emergency services is to remind them of where people are located in rural areas.
- Greyhound
- Had plans to not renew contract at Union Station & this will be a discussion in December. They’re willing and want to work with RTD to fix the problems that were happening at Union Station or work with RTD to find a new location (possibly civic center?)
- Next meeting on Jan 15th
- Worked on future vision and goals for the LCC
- No LCC in December – Please attend DRMAC’s Regional Coordinating Council meeting
- Tuesday Dec 3rd
- 1:30pm – 3:00pm
- In-person LCC meeting for all counties
- Jan 29th
- 11:00am – 1:00pm
- Link On Demand
- General public
- Cost: Free on demand
- Hours
- Mon-Thu 7am-7pm
- Fri 7am-10pm
- Sat 10am-10pm
- Only available in the city of Lone Tree and Meridian