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Articles about Transportation
The data we’ve got aren’t painting the full picture — and we need more of it to help shape good policy. Read more
DENVER (KDVR) – A group of World War II veterans was about to embark on a long-planned trip to Russia, celebrating the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic has delayed the party. Read more
Take a ride through Denver’s traffic snarls over the decades. Read more
Julie Reiskin – Executive Director, CCDC
CCDC will always fight to maintain Medicaid services, and has made recommendations to HCPF about not making cuts to Medicaid services for people with disabilities, use the budget absolutely NOT take people off of Medicaid.
“Back to Normal” isn’t working for the disability community. HCPF should reimagine a better and safer way to return society to how things were before COVID19. The process is not going to be like a “light switch” –
- Continue telemedicine so people won’t have to go to a hospital or doctor’s office for their treatment to avoid exposure to the virus.
- Supply PPE like masks and gloves to the community.
- Continue to work from home – communicate with employers about limiting the number of people working at the same time.
- People need to be taught to look to trusted resources and what a trusted resource is and not rely on mainstream media and Facebook/Twitter/Instagram.
Kim Bimestefer – Executive Director, HCPF
According to models created by the department, there is going to be a surge in emergency eligibility to 1.6M people served.
HCPF is dedicated to protecting the most vulnerable populations. There will be an increase in payouts for congregate living situations and Home Care workers
By May 1, 2020 all Colorado licensed or certified skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, and assisted living residences must submit a COVID-19 Prevention and Response Plan to CDPHE.
Mindy Gates – Deputy Director, Office of Adult, Aging and Disability Services
- Resident Setting Strikeforce
- The Governor’s high priority: Testing Strategies (13% of people tested are asymptomatic).
- Expand temperature testing
- Get PPE capacity from providers
Bonnie Silva – Office of Community Living
- CDPHE increased social distancing enforcement by 50%
- Rate Increases for Personal Care, Homemakers and nursing care
- COVID19 case reporting: Labs will do direct reporting
- Medicaid members CANNOT be terminated because of COVID19