Every bus and rail line except for train service to Denver International Airport will see drastically reduced service starting Sunday, as the Regional Transportation District adjusts to a coronavirus pandemic that has gutted its ridership. Read more
Articles about Transportation
Four weeks into a stay-home order, Coloradans have begun to wonder when they might get to go out again — and what the world will look like when they do. Read more
The LCC met remotely hosted by The Arc of Arapahoe & Douglas Counties. TSAC will have an intern from Metro State University work with the LCC this summer on revising their strategic plan, exploring development of a website, and recruiting members. A subcommittee has been formed to convert TSAC’s operational guidelines to by-laws. This will help create the structure and internal controls needed to register with the Secretary of State and open a bank account. Also, in keeping with this goal, Andrea Suhaka, Doug Tisdale, and Tina Francone agreed to serve as officers for the group. A new membership application was presented for review along with a process for collecting dues. Next month, the TSAC planning board will meet on May 21.
Denver County Local Coordinating Council met remotely hosted by DRMAC. Jyotsna Khattri, Community Engagement Specialist with RTD was introduced as the new chair of the LCC. Caleb Susuras, Community Resource Specialist with DRCOG gave a presentation on DRCOG’s Transportation Voucher Program. Bus tickets, Access-a-Ride tickets, and vouchers for rideshare service, HopSkipDrive, are available. Prior to COVID 19, this voucher program succeeded in expanding capacity for older adults to book personal trips, a longtime gap in services in the region. Those interested in DRCOG’s Transportation Voucher Program can contact DRCOG at 303-480-6700. Following the presentation, a proposed project plan focused on making transit safe and attractive for youth in Sun Valley was discussed. Additionally, attendees shared how their operations had changed as a result of COVID 19. The next meeting is Wednesday, May 20 at 9am.
The Community Active Living Coalition held a meeting on April 8th. The meeting started with a brief discussion on how everyone is doing, and how the pandemic is affecting mobility in all forms. The guest speaker was Jessica Vargas from Denver Streets Partnership, and she addressed Denver Community Networks’ public feedback process. She was encouraging feedback on infrastructure policies that would connect networks for active commuting. Most of these policies have to do with biking paths and possible road closures. Jessica also demonstrated a virtual program that will allow users to suggest their own idea for a bike path by drawing it out on a map online. The focus of Denver Streets Partnership right now is on three networks: Northwest, Central, and South Central. The final decisions on the infrastructure changes will be made by the end of this year, and will be implemented in 2021.
To visit the CALC webpage, click here.
Let’s face it: We’ve been having cookies for breakfast, pasta for the other three meals, and wine in amounts nearing our daily recommended glasses of water. And if you’re reading this shaking your head, thinking, but I cook every meal fresh, am certainly not over-consuming and eating better than ever, well, hold on, because I have to refill my wine mug and lick the batter. Read more