- I-70 & Floyd Hill – Construction updates
- Sign up for text alerts by texting “floydhill” to 21000or go to https://www.codot.gov/projects/i70floydhill
- Holiday Seasonal Updates
- The Clear Creek Roundabout
- FREE shuttle service for Silver Plume, Georgetown, Empire, Lawson, Dumont, Idaho Springs & Evergreen
- Has 2 wheelchair-accessible spots
- During ski season – offers rides to Loveland ski area
- Wed-Fri
- $10 for adults
- Discounts for veterans, seniors, and children
- Deviated stops can be scheduled if necessary
- At least 2 hours in advance
- Within ½ mile radius of normal route
- Call 970-409-6714 to schedule
- Visit https://visitclearcreek.com/roundabout/ for a schedule
- Winter Preparedness
- Refresh your knowledge of your county’s Snow & Ice Removal Policy
- Gilpin: Check out https://gilpincounty.colorado.gov/departments-offices/public-works
- For policy & maps of what roads they prioritize
- Clear Creek: Check out https://www.clearcreekcounty.us/828/Snow-Removal-Policy-PDF
- For policy
- Gilpin: Check out https://gilpincounty.colorado.gov/departments-offices/public-works
- Refresh your knowledge of your county’s Snow & Ice Removal Policy
- The Clear Creek Roundabout
Articles about Transportation
- I-70 construction updates can be found here– more detailed plans can be found here
- Next month – no Jefferson LCC
- Please come to DRMAC’s Regional Coordinating Council – virtual
- December 3rd
- 1:30pm – 3:00pm
- NoJefferson LCC in January (DRMAC closed for holidays)
- LCC appreciation lunch in the new year – in-person
- Come and network with LCC members from other counties
- January 29th at the Ford Warren library
- 11:00am – 1:00pm
- Lakewood Rides
- Serves Lakewood residents only
- Must register prior to riding
- 60+, People with disabilities
- Please come to DRMAC’s Regional Coordinating Council – virtual
- RTD/FlexRide:
- Paul Derda connection in effect
- RTD January
- Broomfield North expansion
- AB service precovid level 30 min service and new pattern
- FF5 extra service
- LD another round trip
- adding Via Varra area to Interlocken FlexRide service area
- RTD Access-on-demand service/Paratransit Peer Review
- Changes/cuts could be made to Access-on-demand
- Colorado Driver’s Coop
- First Student
- School transportation provider (owned by First Transit/Trans Dev)
- TAG Update
- Tickets continue to be available from the RTD TAG program from the Library and HHS for individuals that qualify with immediate transit needs
- Program is promoted with community partners including BCSN