You can sign up for text updates with the COtrip App O’Neill O’Neill2024-05-14 12:17:472024-05-14 12:17:47Clear Creek and Gilpin LCC, May 9 2024
Mobility for All will be doing ride along trips in partnership with CPWD and wil be giving away 50 bikes to students and families in Lafayette
Ztrip expanded to Denver this year and now has 10 e-vehicles on the road. 2 out of 25 vehicles are WAV
Lara Van Matre from Bridging Digital Divides spoke about tech access and mentioned available funding for people to help people access resources on apps, get adaptive technology, and more. Funding will be released in either Q3 or Q4 O’Neill O’Neill2024-05-09 14:39:052024-05-09 14:39:05Boulder MAC Meeting 4/16/24