ADRC Advisory Council, May 17, 2022
Sasha Story – NYMBL Science – – free balance training app. Can help older adults download the app, use email if do not have a smart phone. NYMBL is a great program, they have 14,002 people signed up, do not need internet, people in rural communities can access
- Rich Mauro – Director of Legislative Services – Legislative updates. Bills related to sunsetting of SAPGA (Strategic Planning Action Group on Aging – created by HG 15-1033) -institutionalizing it with HB 1035 – Modernization of the Older Coloradoans Act. 2 Representatives from each Congressional District. Will resemble SAPGA’s membership. Puts in statute – they are to be leaders in advocating for older adults and to implement the Strategic Action Plan on Aging. Establishes lifelong Colorado program, focused on older adults, directs department to create a technical advisor group to work on collaboration and cooperation among State offices.
o HB 79 – Alzheimer’s Association sponsored – establishes certain requirements for dementia training.
o SB 185- last year was SB 290 that created an AAA (Area Agencies on Aging) grant for various AAAs (Area Agencies on Aging) around the State, extends that program indefinitely & expands it to other entities. Still need to fund.
o SB 89 – geriatric provider pipeline – initiated out of UC Anschutz – introduced too late to qualify for funding, will sponsor next year. Extends loan forgiveness program for geriatric training specialty. Train the trainers program
o SB 154 – deals with safety in assisted living residences. It became quite a fight with the industry who strongly opposed the bill. Establishes appeal process in evictions (involuntary discharges) that does not exist now, stabilizes criteria for administrators that are currently not licensed, a requirement for new hires of at least 1 year of experience in direct care, now required for everyone.
AAA Business Overview
- Jayla met with the U.S Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health (SAMHSA).
- We Received notice that DRCOG will receive approximately $322K from ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Public Health Workforce funds.
- This is the year of the Area Plan on Aging. This is a big project which requires doing a regional Community Assessment Survey of Older Adults, a gap analysis of services, community