- Location: Meeting by phone
- Introductions – 18 in attendance
- APAC members
- Contractors
- Public
- Public Comment
- Kudos to RTD programming team! The portal is phenomenal!
- ACPD Report from Dr. Gross
- ADA Hero awards – 5 given out
- Search for General Manager – since the meeting a candidate has been chosen
- Update on light rail partnership with bicycles-going to allocate space on light rail cars to accommodate bikes separate from highblock
- Discussion to increase meetings to 6 times a year (every other month) instead of quarterly. Also discussed having joint meetings between ACPD and APAC
- There is no current liaison between APAC and ACPD as Dr. Gross has termed out of his position on APAC. Brenda volunteered and will act as new liaison.
- New members of APAC were introduced.
- RTD Updates
- COVID-19
- Still cleaning vehicles each night after shifts
- Working on modification process for those who can’t wear masks for health reasons. Those needing modification will be assessed by Easter Seals and approved for a shield. Shield will be given out by assessor and who will provide instruction on how to use it properly.
- Reimagine RTD is on hold
- The 2021 fiscal budget will be proposed to the RTD board this September
- This app changes the face of AaR
- Testing has been done and there is no negative feedback yetNew appUpdates/changes: address will now have the name of a location (e.g., Walmart) if it is available in the system, address line now breaks to the second line in the appropriate place, changed schedule time from military to AM/PM, text has now been made selectable, in booking, the day and time are now easier to interact with as it is just a selectable dropdown.
- COVID-19
- Next meeting November 10th, 10am – 12pm, by phone
A new children’s picture book, “Public Transportation – From the Tom Thumb Railroad to Hyperloop and Beyond,” written by transit industry leader and podcast host Paul Comfort and illustrated by Sudeep KP is being released Oct. 1. Read more
A massive shift to remote work during national COVID-19 lockdowns saved commuters as much as $22 billion in direct commuting costs, a new study estimates — and it saved society nearly as much money in avoided car crashes and carbon outputs. But advocates argue even those eye-popping numbers don’t fully capture the potential benefits of keeping vehicle miles travelled down as the world starts moving again. Read more
Denver Streets Partnership and the city’s Department of Transportation & Infrastructure will host a “Streets for People Summit” from Sept. 16-19, with discussion oriented around creating safer streets, reducing car dependency and combating climate change. Read more
The INC Transportation Committee met on September 10th from 6:30pm-8:00pm. CALC gave a quick presentation of their upcoming 3rd Annual Denver Streets for People Summit, Sept 16-19th. It will be a four-day conference that will explore opportunities and resources, consider best practices from around the world, and engage decision-makers, implementers, and each other towards action that encourages walking, biking, rolling, and taking transit. Kate Williams from DRMAC gave a short presentation on DRMAC and the Metro Area Travel Training program that will be available in person and virtually. Ashley Doty, also from DRMAC, gave a brief overview of the Getting There App, a paratransit app designed for older adults and individuals with disabilities. The app is designed to find transit providers who fit the needs of the user. Zack Wallace, DOTI Associate City Planner, gave a presentation on the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan Proposal. Citywide goals included: 30% of commuters will be biking, walking, or taking transit by 2030, 80% reduction of emissions by 2030, and zero traffic deaths by 2030. TDM could also help with accessibility, congestion due to growth in population, and health benefits by using active transportation. The meeting was wrapped up by Angie Rivera-Malpiede, RTD Board Chair. She went over the current transportation deficit with COVID and what safety measures are being taken on public transit.