DRCOG’s Civic Advisory Group met to provide further feedback to DRCOG’s Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (MVRTP) 2050. DRCOG staff, Lisa Houde gave an update on the process and reminded the group of priorities established by the group and key takeaways from previous meetings. The MVRTP 2050 process will be entering the plan development stage, and projects submitted through country transportation forums are being evaluated. The advisory group participated in an exercise where they evaluated anonymous/aggregated projects based on planning scenarios, group priorities, and desired outcomes to provide feedback to those evaluating projects.
While many people across Colorado and the nation are looking for work, the 50+ population seeking jobs is growing annually in Colorado. According to the Society of Human Resource Management, the fastest-growing segment of the workforce is the 75+ population with the 65-74 age bracket in second place. Why people choose to work longer is variable – some to enhance their retirement savings, some to ensure access to health care or funds to apply to health needs, and others because they enjoy the social interaction and mental stimulation. Read more
The Longmont Village will feature 26 tiny houses where veterans can live for free and a 3,000-square foot community center.
Via Zoom
Presentation by Karin Stewart: Age Friendly Community Development
- This meeting is to focus on the Action Plan for Aging Friendly. Starting with tentative goals for the mobility and access subcommittee.
- LCC Potential Goal Statements:
- Jeffco LCC will commission a study for more current data on gaps and needs.
- Jeffco LCC will promote the concept of 15-minute communities (everything you need is within 15 minutes via your mode of mobility)
- Jeffco LCC will increase awareness of mobility management needs throughout Jefferson County through advocacy activities (candidate forums, host/facilitate educational presentations, develop issue papers)
- Jeffco LCC will promote the education of mobility management services available to consumers in Jefferson County
- Jeffco LCC will become more knowledgeable about emerging trends in mobility management through hosting speakers on these topics at our monthly LCC meetings.
- Jeffco LCC will work with County leadership to update County Transportation Plan- ensure mobility management is part of this. Subset of this- this same concept would apply to municipalities (when they update their comprehensive master plans)
- These potential goals will be brought in front of the LCC for feedback to help with additions and prioritizing