“By eliminating car parking and narrowing automobile lanes we can create the space necessary to accommodate lightweight, human sized micromobility vehicles such as electric scooters.” Read more
Attendees were introduced, and Amy Pulley from DRCOG gave some announcements about ADRC services. Of note were Transportation and Personal Care pilot voucher programs developed to fill in some gaps in services. Also, DRCOG ombudsman staff have not been allowed in facilities due to COVID, but are working on ways to overcome barriers to visiting residents in person. Refugee Services, SHIP, Information and Assistance, Options Counseling, and Case Management services all continue to be provided by the ADRC. DRCOG has been working hard to meet nutritional needs through grab and go food programs. There will also be some federal COVID relief funds available from DRCOG. Heather Kamper from DROG gave a report on behalf of the Regional Transitions Committee and the Community Transitions program.
Attendees gave service updates including staff from InnovAge and Seniors’ Resource Center who have been providing remote adult day services. Leslie Mader from InnovAge also announced they have a Veterans Care agreement that allows them to provide PACE services to Veterans with service connection of 70% or greater. Jessica Neighborhouse from Denver Human Services reported on new adult protection laws that recently went into place. Special guest speaker, Lisa Bitzer from Via Mobility Services spoke about the transition of services from Seniors’ Resource Center to Via Mobility Services. They are targeting October 1 as the date they will be opening up services to new riders.
If drivers in Portland, Ore. replaced a car trip with an e-bike trip just 15 percent of the time, it would take a 12 percent bite out of greenhouse gas emissions, a new study finds — and researchers think that the City of Roses isn’t the only one for which that ambitious-sounding goal is achievable with a few minor initiatives. Read more
As the pandemic wreaks havoc on public transit systems across the country, experts say it is low-income residents, people of color and essential workers bearing the brunt. Read more
DENVER (CBS4) – RTD is taking steps to help keep both riders and operators safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Last week the Regional Transportation District announced it is now using electrostatic sprayers with hospital grade disinfectant to clean all surfaces. Read more