One hot day in my hometown of Riverside, California, 25 years ago, I finally discerned the source of the clicking sound I often heard as I walked down the city’s sidewalks — it turned out to be people in nearby cars locking their doors at my approach. The drivers saw their vehicles as a source of freedom and a space of safety; they saw me, a young Black man on a sidewalk, as a threat.
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Nearly half of Americans think it’s time to rethink how we fund our road infrastructure by switching from a federal gas tax — which theoretically rewards drivers for choosing greener cars, but doesn’t always deter excessive driving itself — and replacing it with a tax based on how many miles drivers actually travel, a new survey says. Read more
A federal judge in Washington struck down a Trump administration rule that would require migrants seeking to enter the U.S. to first seek asylum in countries they travel through on their way to the southern border. Read more
GOLDEN, Colo. (KDVR) – When you’ve taken a bullet to the helmet like Bill Purcell has, your story needs to be told.
“All I remember is it was like getting hit in the head with a baseball bat,” Purcell says.
The Marine veteran came under attack on Feb. 1, 1968 in Hue City, Vietnam Read more
The 7th meeting of the Reimagine RTD Technical Working Group met occurred on July 15. Reimagine is looking at development of a near term System Optimization Plan (SOP) and a longer-term Mobility Plan for the Future for RTD. During the meeting there was a recap of the SOP scenarios with the following key takeaways:
Service Quality results in the:
- Most boardings
- Lowest cost per boarding
- Best travel time ratio
Social Equity results in the:
- Most social equity population service by 15‐minute or better service
- Highest bus boardings per service hour
Service Productivity results:
- Similar to social equity in most categories
Geographic Coverage results in the:
- Most population and employment served
- Fewest boardings
- Lowest equity population served by 15‐minute or better service
- Highest cost per boarding
Results of a service philosophy exercise done with the Technical Working Group, Advisory Committee, and RTD Board of Directors were shared. Some of the key takeaways were:
Near term
- Strong support for service to social equity populations •Limited support for achieving a low cost (to RTD) per boarding metric •TWG and AC strongly supported high frequency service to areas with transit‐supportive land uses over spreading service throughout the District •All groups favored the idea of a regional transit backbone provided by RTD and exploring local
community partnerships to operate/pay for local service
- TWG and AC strongly supported service to equity populations
- TWGand AC strongly supported high‐frequency service to areas with transit supportive land uses over a coverage‐based system
- All groups favored a regional transit backbone provided by RTD and exploring local community partnerships to operate/pay for local service
There was discussion and feedback regarding SOP DRAFT Guiding Principles and Network Development and a presentation of some initial proposed plans for rail and bus service changes. Information was also presented about partnerships and cost sharing.
For more information click here.