Denver County Local Coordinating Council
August 18, 2021; 9-10 AM
Zoom Meeting
Carol Buchanan – DRMAC, Kenna Davis – DRMAC TATF, Julia Wcislo – CDOT, Matthew Helfant – DRCOG, David Krutsinger – DOTI, Mayra Gonzales – Montbello Organizing Committee, Mike Hughes-West Corridor, Moira Moon – CDOT, Robbie Roppolo – Atlantis Community, Michael Davies – RTD, Steve Martingano – RTD, Cooper Langdon -RTD, Saidel Sobrevilla – Transdev/IntelliRide, Julie Skeen-CIG, Bill Sirois- RTD, Jake Swanton – Lyft, Jeff Prillwitz-CDOT, Christian Steward – DOTI, Cheryl Webb- RTD
Welcome and Introductions
- Due to the full agenda, attendees were invited to put their names and organizations in the Chat. All were reminded of the need for additional steering committee members to plan and lead the LCC.
Presentation: Reimagine RTD- Julie Skeen, CIG and Bill Sirois, RTD
- Two-year process to answer “what’s next” for RTD
- System Optimization plan (SOP)
- Redesign RTD’s services to balance mobility needs and fiscal limitations
- Initial SOP implementation took place with adoption of January 2021 runboard
- Rebuilding service working group established to provide input to RTD on performance measures, metrics, indicators, and milestones
- Mobility Plan for The Future
- Identify long-term strategies (i.e., between now and 2050) to address region’s future mobility needs
- Utilize an existing event to include travel training
- Guiding Principles
- Mobility
- Equity
- Financial
- Partnerships
- Workforce
- Sustainability
- Discussion:
- Colorado Center for the Blind – needing better announcement systems on buses
- DPS transportation cuts – DPS is facing a driver shortage (along with RTD); RTD does have continuous conversations with DPS
- Service loop with fare changes and service changes – better messaging to the public.
- Access-a-Ride messaging – utilizing partnerships (i.e. DRMAC), letting people know its available
- Next Steps
- Modeling Results will be used to evaluate strategies – October 2021
- Public Engagement
- Late summer – continue to identify strategies
- Winter – provide feedback on draft recommended strategies
- Contact information:
Presentation: RTD Accountability Committee- Matthew Helfant, DRCOG
- Established 3 subcommittees: Governance, Finance, Operations
- Recommendations sent to RTD for response included:
- Federal COVID Funds – RTD should use a portion of these funds to restore transit services, attract new and returning riders, and help the agency recover from the COVIC 19 pandemic
- Improve operator retention
- Subregional Service Councils – Implement the use of subregional service councils to create a more collaborative decision-making structure to increase input from local communities
- Make changes to fares and pass programs to better serve equity populations and streamline/simplify pass structures
- Improve service delivery focusing on the needs of frequent transit users and diverse mobility options
- NW Rail and unfinished Fast Tracks
- Support the NW rail alignment for the FRPR corridor and pursue all reasonable partnerships with the FRPR project
- Perform a complete and comprehensive analysis of the NW rail project to establish a common set of assumptions needed for dialogue in the region
- Emphasize partnerships with local govts, anchor institutions, TMOs, and employers
- Greater transparency in reporting
- Apply an equity lens
Sun Valley Travel Training
- Impact of COVIC and Delta variant creates need to “pause” on any in person events with possibly the exception of outside events.
- Possible outdoor events include West Corridor E-bike events and September 18th West Area bike event being planned by Eugene Howard with the City and County of Denver.
2021 Goals – Partner with Montbello to encourage youth transit ridership
Mayra reported plans for the August 27th Walkable Loop event continue and invited participation from DCLCC members.
Next meeting: September 15, 2021 at 9am, Zoom Meeting