Welcome to Bicycle Colorado’s adaptive riding page! We’re excited to share resources to help you, your family or a friend get riding, or to help you be a more informed and courteous cycling peer. We hope you’ll reach out with any feedback, suggestions or questions by emailing us at info@bicyclecolorado.org.
Denver County Local Coordinating Council
July 18, 2021; 9-10 AM
Zoom Meeting
- Carol Buchanan – DRMAC
- Kenna Davis – DRMAC TATF
- Jaime Lewis – CCDC
- Julia Wcislo – CDOT
- Matthew Helfant – DRCOG
- David Krutsinger – DOTI
- Mayra Gonzales – Montbello Organizing Committee
- Christian Steward – DOTI
- Moira Moon – CDOT
- Robbie Roppolo – Atlantis Community
Sun Valley Travel Training
- Fall Sun Valley neighborhood event -update from the subcommittee and group discussion
- Trying to wrap up Sun Valley efforts before moving onto Montbello.
- Utilize an existing event to include travel training.
- Latoya from DRMAC has been in communication with DOTI, SRTS and high schools.
- Jaime met with a group working on the Colfax Viaduct; they are trying to start an international market in the area and could be a potential partner.
- Sun Valley Youth Center staff training update
2021 Goals
- Partner with Montbello to encourage youth transit ridership
- Mayra emphasized the need for relationship building before bringing in new organizations and projects. Members of the DCLCC have been attending the Montbello FreshLo meetings to become familiarized with the community.
- Upcoming WalkableLoop Event is intended to bring multi-modal awareness to the community, including bikes, bringing in Lime scooters, training for the upcoming DOTI circulator, etc. – opportunity to talk about travel training at August 27th (Friday) event.
- Will develop a sign-up sheet to distribute to DCLCC members.
- Safe Zone events are a good opportunity to engage youth – occur on Saturdays.
- Jaime will be attending a Denver Streets Partnership event this weekend to get ideas for future Montbello events.
- Via Mobility closed its travel training program due to losing funding and program director.
- DRMAC will be stepping up their travel training program and RTD hired a new paratransit eligibility and travel training program – will get a speaker for DCLCC.
Member Updates
- Jaime mentioned there is an Electric Vehicles event, Carol will send out the invitation.
- Robbie mentioned that Atlantis Community is starting to meet with clients in person and are starting their mobile unit back up.
- Jaime asked if there could be a tour of the new facility; Robbie will set something up.
- Matthew noted that the RTD Accountability Committee adopted their final recommendations. Matthew will send the final report to Carol to distribute.
- Carol noted that DRMAC is doing a tour of RTD’s N line. Reach out to Carol if interested.
- Moira updated the group that the CDOT Division of Transit and Rail has a new director, Amber Blake, who is based out of Durango.
- David asked if this group receives data for paratransit trips in the region.
- Larry Buter could be a good resource. David to reach out.
- DOTI is looking at how to build up paratransit and human service transportation services.
- Matthew will introduce Travis Noon from DRCOG to David for data.
Next meeting: August 18, 2021 at 9am, Zoom Meeting
Longtime city staff member takes helm of Durango transit – The Durango Herald
Talk about moving up through the ranks. Sarah Hill started her career with the city of Durango as a part-time Durango Transit bus driver in 2012. On July 6, Durango City Council appointed her as …
Join us August 1, Colorado Day, for the official 2021 walk for the Canal kickoff celebration at our brand new office! We’ll have an open house style party and celebration with booths from our partners and friends, light refreshments, and more……….Walk FOR the Canal – Campaign (classy.org)
Now that HB21-1318 is law, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) are eager for recommendations to the Board of the Outdoor Equity Grant Program. Right now, we are seeking eight volunteers to help assist in the vetting of Board Candidates. To be clear, individuals selected for this committee will not be eligible for this round of board appointments. If you are interested in volunteering for the board member selection committee, which will work with DNR/CPW to select the board members, enter your name here.
Though DNR and CPW are not yet accepting applications for people who might like to be on the actual Board of the Outdoor Equity Grant Program, we are accepting recommendations of people the community might like to see nominated to the Board. If you would like to nominate someone for one of the youth seats on the board, enter that information here. If you would like to nominate someone for one of the non-youth seats on the board, enter that information here.
Please feel encouraged to share these materials out with any organizations or individuals you think would be interested in serving on the Board Selection Committee or the Board itself! And please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jared Bynum at jared@conservationco.org with any questions you may have!