Denver County Local Coordinating Council
June 16, 2021; 9-10 AM
Zoom Meeting
- Carol Buchanan – DRMAC
- Michael Hughes – West Corridor TMA
- Cooper Langdon – RTD Service Planning
- Kenna Davis – DRMAC TATF
- Jaime Lewis – CCDC
- Mayra Gonzales – Montbello Organizing Committee
- Daryl Kinton – Former RTD Board Member
- Latoya Prante – DRMAC
- David Krutsinger – DOTI
- Christian Steward – DOTI
- Kate Williams – RTD Board Member
- Rachel Bolin – CDOT
- Moira Moon – CDOT
- Paula Hillman – DRMAC
- Matthew Helfant – DRCOG
- Bobby Dishell – RTD
- Michael Davies – RTD
- Julia Wcislo – CDOT
- Jeff Prillwitz – CDOT
- Steve Martingano – RTD
- Cheryl Webb – RTD
Connected Colorado -Rachel Bolin, CDOT
- Develop easy-to-use mobile application and web platform that allows the public to plan their entire trip and pay online, while supporting better coordination and data sharing between local transit providers.
- Currently working with rural transit providers to get them integrated within the platform.
- Phase II Prototype Partners include Bustang, Bustang Outrider, EcoTransit (Eagle County), the Lift (Winter Park), and the Roundabout (Clear Creek County)
- Timeline: currently in the procurement phase and hoping to launch in 2022.
- Working with other agencies, but multiple projects occurring at the same time (i.e. RTD)
Sun Valley Travel Training
- Sun Valley Youth Center Staff
- Have had imbalance between adults and youth during previous meetings with the Youth Center.
- Cooper suggested making this a community-led effort.
- Latoya shared some of the positive benefits from the DRMAC’s travel training program.
- Julia to work with Latoya and the Sun Valley Youth Center to create a travel training program that fits the group’s needs.
- Fall Sun Valley Neighborhood Event
- Michael Hughes suggested teaming up with Bicycle Colorado for a west Denver bicycle event in August.
- Steve suggested incorporating a railroad safety element to the event.
- Michael will follow up with Bicycle Colorado – Steve, David and Cooper volunteered to help organize this event.
- Matthew asked about potential SRTS funding.
2021 Goals
- DCLCC Website
- CALC summer micro-grants will be released July/August timeframe
- Partner with Montbello to encourage youth transit ridership
- Mayra gave an update for what is happening in Montbello with encouraging walking and biking, gardening, and the FreshLo Hub with the Montbello microtransit project. Wait times are 15 minutes or less for the microtransit shuttle.
- Next steps would work with youth organizations to encourage transit education.
Member Updates
- Jaime mentioned that there will be a meeting in the West Colfax neighborhood about EV and accessibility in late July at the Girls Inc. building.
- Michael mentioned that the Jefferson County LCC has been discussing RTD’s Accountability Committee’s pending decision on regional councils – this can be a future discussion for the DCLCC.
Next meeting:
July 21, 2021 at 9am
Zoom Meeting