Anew online map tool allows Americans to see whether they can easily meet their essential needs without getting a car — and advocate for their cities to cultivate the walkable amenities that are missing, as well as create safe routes to reach them. Read more
A new statewide system will send text messages and emails to keep Colorado voters updated on the status of their mailed ballots in the upcoming election. Read more
Welcome to the new Streetsblog Denver series covering the Elevate Denver General Obligation bond. Every Tuesday, we’ll be looking at and dissecting different biking, walking, and transit upgrades across the city. We’ll explore the planning aspects behind key projects in addition to considering how these changes will affect the lives of people in the communities where they are located. Read more
With COVID-19 basically canceling the trade show and awards season, METRO Magazine decided to honor our 2020 Innovative Solutions Award winners here in print. Read more
The Boulder County LCC met virtually via Microsoft Teams on October 12, 2020.
Mission – Overcome transportation gaps in the community
o Multi-modal education
Boulder LCC Priorities
o Understand Medicaid transportation better
o Ride Free Longmont and now Ride Free Lafayette
o Address gaps in transportation in Boulder outside of RTD coverage
Boulder LCC Updates
▪ Boulder received either partial or full funding on all grants submitted
Coordinated HST plan being launched
▪ 5 year strategic plan
▪ Going to be doing a funding inventory (CCAM)
Ride Free Lafayette
▪ Has had 658 riders & 598 trips
LiVE education
▪ Boulder is still promoting this
▪ Doing workshop series to educate community
RTD Board seat for District 1 is still open
Can learn more and apply here:
Presentations & Organization updates
M4A Loteria Project
▪ Came about from Latino outreach plan
▪ Wanting to keep transportation relevant to this community
▪ There will be 2 phases
Educate stakeholders and educate the public -this is on hold due to COVID
DRMAC MATT (Metro Area Transit Training)
▪ Goal is to get people out of SOV transportation
▪ Will train in-person (groups up to 5 people)
▪ Will offer online training (unlimited group number)
▪ Translators must be provided by organization
▪ Training will center around Union Station and will include
How to purchase tickets, finding your route, transfers, safety, use of
Lyft scooters and bikes,
▪ Still recruiting drivers
▪ Getting good feedback on expansion
▪ Limiting training group sizes at this time
▪ Currently still operating on COVID service plan
▪ Walked through proposed service changes coming in January
▪ Find full list here:
▪ There is now a RTD Homeless Taskforce – to address homelessness at Union station and across system
Broomfield/Boulder – transportation discussion
▪ Transportation gaps include healthcare access and Flexride coverage
▪ Having further discussions on shared lessons learned in pilot programs and LCC structures/focus
▪ Are there data points that each county should be collecting to see where
more gaps are?
▪ How do you measure the trips NOT taken when people give up on asking
for help?
▪ Broomfield will be doing a needs assessment next year
o Monday 12/14/2020 (No November meeting)
o Location: virtual (Microsoft Teams or possibly Zoom)
o Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm
o Topic: 2021 LCC work plan