The Durability Of Redlining In Denver’s Past Is Shaping Coronavirus Hot Spots Now, Researchers Say
NewsAdd COVID-19 to the long list of things affected by the racist government practice of "redlining" minority neighborhoods starting back in the 1930s.
Banks restricted lending in those places, resulting in decades of disinvestment that researchers…

RTD’s Budget Crisis Will Likely Mean Deep, Long-Lasting Service Cuts
NewsThe Regional Transportation District’s financial situation is so dire that the agency likely will not be able to restore service to its pre-pandemic levels — or anything close to it.
The transit agency cut its service by about 40 percent…

Aging well in America depicted in amazing photos
NewsNCOA invited photographers and artists from around the country to submit work exploring the artistic expression of Aging Well for All—how older adults are making the most of their longevity. The winners of the contest have been announced,…

The future of downtown Denver’s transportation system: rebalancing streets for people who don’t drive, smoother deliveries and maybe a gondola?
NewsMany of Denver’s downtown streets aren’t organized for the people who use them most and are generally geared toward cars, which can make for uncomfortable, slow and even dangerous trips for people who walk, roll, bike and bus. And demand…

Biking in Denver is more popular than ever – time to give bike commuting a try!
NewsOver the last few months, Denverites have seen the benefits of fewer cars on the road: cleaner air; quieter streets; and more room to walk, bike, and roll. Demand for bicycles was so high that Denver bike shops actually experienced a shortage…

By Transforming a ‘Stroad,’ Denver Can Move Forward on a Safer, More Inclusive Transportation System
NewsLike many rapidly growing cities across the United States, Denver wrestles with its car-prioritized legacy of interstate building and exit expansions through its increasingly traffic-snarled communities. Just off the Lincoln/Broadway exit today,…

RTD Light Rail Maintenance to begin Saturday
NewsAlso beginning this weekend downtown will be six days of routine maintenance on the light rail system, affecting service on the H and L Lines. From 3:30 a.m. Saturday through the end of the service day on Thursday, June 25, the L Line will not…

Lyft Pledges Shift to 100% Electric Vehicles by 2030
NewsThe rideshare company will purchase EVs for its rental car fleet and play a bigger role in helping drivers transition to plug-in vehicles.

Caregivers: Make Sure Your Voice is Heard
News*From Via's June Newsletter
Support Home and Community-Based Services
Congress is poised to take important action, and we need your help!
In response to the ongoing public health crisis due to COVID-19, within the next month, we expect…