Cutting Transit Service During the Pandemic: Why? How? And What’s Next?
NewsMost of the goals that we expect public transit to pursue have just turned upside down. Ridership was an important goal two months ago, but now public transit agencies are telling customers to stay away if they can, restricting service to…

Google Thanks Transportation Workers
NewsAs COVID-19 continues to impact communities around the world, people are coming together to help one another now more than ever. Google has been using their Doodle to thank front line workers from various industries during this crisis. Today…

Boulder LCC – April 13th
Transit Advocates4/13/2020 Boulder LCC
Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting (virtual)
Introductions – 37 in attendance
With intros we also spoke about how each of organizations have been affected by COVID-19 and what we’ve been doing to meet needs…

RTD to host 16 virtual town halls around coronavirus-related changes
NewsThe Regional Transportation District will begin hosting a series of telephone town halls this month and next to help keep the community informed about coronavirus-related changes within the agency.

April 13th – Veteran-led disaster relief group delivers protective gear to crews on coronavirus front lines in Boulder County
VeteransBOULDER, Colo. (KDVR) – They’re used to fighting on the front lines. But for a group of Colorado veterans, this is a different kind of war.

Do’s And Don’ts Of Mask-Wearing During Colorado’s Coronavirus Outbreak
NewsNow that masks are recommended for everyone who’s out and about, new questions are coming in from Colorado Wonders and other channels about mask etiquette and efficacy.

April 13th – Vietnam veteran rallies support for health care workers outside Westminster hospital
VeteransWESTMINSTER, Colo. (KDVR) — Vietnam War veteran Joe Duran, 70, spent Friday rallying support for health care workers outside the St. Anthony North Health Campus at West 144th Avenue and Delaware Street.

Four more Denver streets close to cars, open to people for exercising
NewsFour more Denver street segments will close to cars, for the most part, the city government announced Thursday.

Broomfield LCC – April 10th
Transit AdvocatesAttendance: Teague Kirkpatrick, Route Match, Sarah Grant, City/County of Broomfield (CCB), Marc Ambrosi, CCB, Lisa Bitzner, Via Mobility, Kate Williams, DRMAC/RTD, Bob Davis, Citizen Advocate
Sarah will type up the minutes of the February…