Colorado Will Shift From Stay-At-Home To Safe-At-Home. Here’s What That Looks Like As The State Slowly Reopens
NewsAs the statewide curve of COVID-19 related hospitalizations continues to flatten, Colorado's stay-at-home order is set to expire Sunday, April 26. But that doesn't mean that Monday, April 27, we'll be able to get back to the same way that…

Mile High Connects (MHC) – Governance Working Group – April 17th
Transit AdvocatesApril 17, 2020
Objective: Provide clarity and advise steering committee on MHC’s fiscal sponsor process by developing criteria and implementing a selection process that ensures MHC can achieve community impact and adequately…

Ride Alliance Ride Hub meeting – April 17th
Transit AdvocatesThe Ride Alliance project is “owned” by DRCOG with funding from CDOT to design and implement a virtual hub to allow paratransit providers and alternative service providers in the greater Denver metro area to share rides. As an example, if…

Coronavirus-induced RTD service reductions started Sunday
NewsEvery bus and rail line except for train service to Denver International Airport will see drastically reduced service starting Sunday, as the Regional Transportation District adjusts to a coronavirus pandemic that has gutted its ridership.

Here’s What Colorado’s New Normal Might Look Like In A Best-Case Coronavirus Scenario
NewsFour weeks into a stay-home order, Coloradans have begun to wonder when they might get to go out again — and what the world will look like when they do.

TSAC (Transportation Solutions Arapahoe County) – April 16
Transit AdvocatesThe LCC met remotely hosted by The Arc of Arapahoe & Douglas Counties. TSAC will have an intern from Metro State University work with the LCC this summer on revising their strategic plan, exploring development of a website, and recruiting…

Denver County Local Coordinating Council – April 15
Transit AdvocatesDenver County Local Coordinating Council met remotely hosted by DRMAC. Jyotsna Khattri, Community Engagement Specialist with RTD was introduced as the new chair of the LCC. Caleb Susuras, Community Resource Specialist with DRCOG gave a presentation…

The Community Active Living Coalition (CALC) meeting – April 8th
Transit AdvocatesThe Community Active Living Coalition held a meeting on April 8th. The meeting started with a brief discussion on how everyone is doing, and how the pandemic is affecting mobility in all forms. The guest speaker was Jessica Vargas from Denver…

From ramen kits to breakfast burritos, 21 great deals for Denver restaurant takeout and delivery
NewsLet’s face it: We’ve been having cookies for breakfast, pasta for the other three meals, and wine in amounts nearing our daily recommended glasses of water. And if you’re reading this shaking your head, thinking, but I cook every meal…

Guest Commentary: Common sense will keep RTD moving during the pandemic
NewsOn Sunday, the Regional Transportation District will implement a significant cutback in scheduled service. We’re reducing service levels by 40%, shifting to Saturday bus and Sunday rail schedules. Where possible, we will redeploy buses and…