You can still help your high-risk, elderly neighbors vote by volunteering
NewsLocal community groups, neighbors come together this election season, volunteering to help fellow Coloradans deliver their vote before the deadline.

A new army of bike enthusiasts taking to roads as pandemic grinds on
NewsSilver linings can be hard to find during the pandemic era. But with many employees stuck at home — and without many options for a social life — more and more Aurorans are discovering life on two wheels.

DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – October 26, 2020
Transit AdvocatesThe TAC met on Monday, October 26th and began with public comments from Piep Van Heuven of Bicycle Colorado and Sue Prant of Community Cycles. Both thanked DRCOG for work done on the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (MVRTP) and…

Denver County Local Coordinating Council (DCLCC) – October 21, 2020
Transit AdvocatesDCLCC met and continued working in subcommittees on their project to make transit the desirable option for youth in Sun Valley. The Marketing and Outreach subcommittee will be reaching out to Councilwoman, Jamie Torres to get her perspective.…

Transportation Solutions Arapahoe County (TSAC) – October 15, 2020
Transit AdvocatesThe October 15th TSAC meeting featured candidates for the RTD Board of Directors. Candidates included those from District H: Regan Byrd, Roger Edwards, & Doug Tisdale and District G: Julian Bouquet. Next month TSAC’s Board of Directors…

STUDY: Streetcars Symbolize the Dangers of ‘Colorblind’ Transit Planning
News“Colorblind” transit projects such as the modern American streetcar can perpetuate structural racism as much as highway projects built around the needs of white motorists, a new study argues.

What The Different Levels Of ‘Safer At Home’ Mean In Colorado
NewsAs Colorado coronavirus cases continue to rise, some counties are instituting tighter COVID-19 restrictions — and that means they're moving backwards on the state's unique scale for measuring openness during the pandemic.

The gas tax was already broken. The pandemic could end it.
NewsAs states and cities face infrastructure budget crunches with gas tax revenues down, some are thinking about alternative ways to secure funding.