Transportation and Social Determinants of Health Virtual Resource Fair
his is a free virtual fair aimed to educate attendees on different organizations focused on improving transportation, health and well-being
About this Event
Each day will consist of 4 presenters within 3 different subcategories.…

Compassion Fatigue: The exhaustion of caring deeply
Join The Alliance Center and clinical therapist, Cheyenne Bellarosa, for a talk on compassion fatigue and tools to maintain your wellbeing.
About this Event
The last year has been extremely emotionally draining, especially…

Bicycle Colorado’s Moving People Forward: The Future of Mobility in Colorado – February 9 through 18, 2021
Transit AdvocatesBicycle Colorado’s annual Moving People Forward conference was held virtually this year from February 9-18. In addition to English, live interpretation services made the conference accessible in Spanish, Vietnamese, and American Sign Language.…

DRCOG Civic Advisory Group – February 23, 2021
Transit AdvocatesThe Civic Advisory Group has been meeting for about 18 months to provide feedback for DRCOG’s 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (MVRTP).
Civic Advisory Group input summary and future - Lisa Houde, public engagement specialist,…

Denver County Local Coordinating Council (DCLCC) – February 17, 2021
Transit AdvocatesListening Session
The meeting opened with a listening session on transit needs and service changes conducted by RTD staff, Lindsey Alarcon and Jessie Carter to obtain feedback on transit needs and service changes. The following questions…