Battery-powered electric vehicles make up the lion’s share of U.S. fleets. Could hydrogen-powered vehicles play a role? Read more
Articles about Transportation
Assembly Bill 1286 would functionally ban scooters, e-bikes and other electric-assist modes from the road — if advocates don’t speak up.
California is on the brink of passing a bill that would kill bike and scooter share in the Golden State — and if other states follow its lead, it could change our national crash-liability laws for the worse.
Assembly Bill 1286 would make it illegal for motorized scooter, e-skateboard and e-bike rental companies to require users to sign liability waivers as part of their terms of service agreements — a ban that would not affect car-rental or taxi companies, which also require them. Read more
Only 73 percent of pedestrian master plans even acknowledge the importance of equity considerations in how we build our walking infrastructure — and just 40 percent of plans commit to concrete goals to actually reduce those disparities, a new study finds. Read more
DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) met virtually on Monday, August 24th. Following a public comment period, the committee took action on amendments to the 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the FY20-FY21 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). There was discussion of project funding for January 2021-June 2022 Human Service Transportation (HST) Set Aside Program of the TIP and FTA Section 5310. The committee voted to move forward the projects recommended by the review panel. There was also discussion of projects recommended for funding through the Regional Transportation Operations and Technology (RTO&T) Set-Aside of the 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The committee voted to move forward these project recommendations as well.
There were informational briefings on the 2050 small-area household and employment forecast for the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (MVRTP) and the public engagement activities for the 2050 MVRTP. There were also updates from AMP re: regional technology priorities and from DRCOG staff about the county transportation forums conducted re: project solicitation for 2050 MVRTP. Additionally, an update about applications received for Safer Main Streets was provided by DRCOG and CDOT staff. Note the next meeting of the TAC will be October 5th. Visit DRCOG’s website for more information about the meeting.
One rainy April night during the worst of the coronavirus pandemic in New York City, I had an intense craving for Thai food. Fifteen minutes later, a delivery man on an e-bike showed up with that meal (and, yes, he was tipped generously). Ironically, his e-bike had been subject to confiscation just a few short months ago, but during the pandemic, delivery e-bikes went from illegal to essential in the eyes of the law. Read more
The following are highlights from the meeting:
- The group will be choosing On-Call Consultants later in the week
- There was formation of three subcommittees was proposed: Operations, Finance, and Governance
- Operations
- ADA Compliance and accessibility of District services including paratransit
- Equity in services provided to the District, analyzed in term of geography, social equity, fare structures, and needs of transit-dependent populations
- Services provided by the District, plans and criteria for expansions or reductions in service
- District’s efforts to address the state’s climate change goals
- Finance
- Use of CARES Act and other pandemic-related funds to support RTD’s mission
- Review of current state audit, including with respect to staff management, retention, and hiring
- Governance
- District’s partnerships with local governments
- Organizational assessment (financial health, human resources, work culture, management, and governance of the District)
- District’s role in fostering economic development
• The group will be looking at the definition of equity at their next meeting.