Colorado Governor Jared Polis and Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak announced on Monday, April 27, 2020, their respective states are joining California, Oregon and Washington in the Western States Pact — a working group of Western state governors with a shared vision for modifying stay at home orders and fighting COVID-19. Read more
Articles about Transportation
The Electeds Town Hall meeting with representation from Central, East Central, and Southeast Denver focused on updates from each of the representatives and featured an update from Dr. Bill Burman with Denver Health.
Some of the more notable updates were:
- RTD – rear boarding is currently happening, and RTD is still fare free (most likely until June 1st)
- City council is slowly starting to move to a more typical representation of how they do business
- They are getting back on track while maintaining safety
- They are balancing a safe re-entry with limiting economic distress
- Silver lining – This is a time to reflect on the impacts of quarantine and decide which direction we want the city & state to go in the future
- State level
- May 18th is the official re-start of the legislative session
- The big focus will be on budget cuts due to COVID-19
Dr. Bill Burman gave the following updates & information:
- Where we currently are
- 3,000 confirmed cases
- 120 new cases / day
- 175 deaths in Denver
- We know the true rate is much higher (some guess 3-10 times higher)
- 90% of population remains susceptible
- There is a greater risk among the Latin and African American populations
- Older populations are more susceptible
- If you believe long term care facilities are not getting what they need – contact The Department of Public Health & Environment (DPHE)
- Denver Health (and other hospitals) report they are busy but not overwhelmed
- Social distancing IS working
- The next phase for doctors is getting back to non-emergent medical visits
- New goal is better and more testing
- Denver’s goal: 1,100 test/day
- Contact tracing is starting
- They are working on scaling up to be able to do all this testing & tracing
- Best guess – life will look similar to what we have now for another 6-12 months
- Keep a 10 person social bubble
Next meeting is May 14th @ 4:00PM. Find sign up information on Councilwoman Amanda Sawyer’s Facebook page.
Summary of DRCOG’s Technical Advisory Committee Meeting (TAC)
Monday, April 27, 2020
The meeting was held virtually due to the stay at home order in place. Of significance was an amendment to the 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) which included some bike and pedestrian improvements. Also of significance was the adoption of the multi-modal freight plan and presentation of scenario outcome results, part of the 2050 MVRTP planning process. There was robust discussion regarding a change in the Vision Zero target. When voting to adopt the Vision Zero plan, the TAC amended the motion to have the board consider a different target of zero for 2040.
Although Colorado’s stay-at-home orders ended last weekend, Denver has extended its through Friday, May 8. As Denverites hunker down for one more week of social distancing and staying put, here’s a guide to the coolest things happening this weekend in your living room. All you need is a WiFi connection. Read more
Yes, transit is in freefall — but some modes more far than others.
The coronavirus has been devastating to public transportation ridership, but buses aren’t being hit nearly has hard as trains — a finding that highlights the urgent need to push more resources to keep bus riders safe, now and going forward. Read more