Austin Ward was the only person vying for the job in the Boulder County area, but he didn’t have the support for the ballot. So now what? Read more
The state’s stay-at-home order kept people off the roads during the first half of this year. But it didn’t slow traffic deaths. Read more
The idea sounds enticing: Instead of battling Interstate 25 congestion, travelers hopscotching between cities along the Front Range could board a gleaming, speedy train and wave goodbye to the traffic.
DRCOG’s Civic Advisory Group met to provide further feedback to DRCOG’s Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (MVRTP) 2050. DRCOG staff, Lisa Houde gave an update on the process and reminded the group of priorities established by the group and key takeaways from previous meetings. The MVRTP 2050 process will be entering the plan development stage, and projects submitted through country transportation forums are being evaluated. The advisory group participated in an exercise where they evaluated anonymous/aggregated projects based on planning scenarios, group priorities, and desired outcomes to provide feedback to those evaluating projects.