DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) met on Monday, October 5th. A briefing was provided on the 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Whitepaper. There was also a presentation on the 2019 ANNUAL REPORT ON ROADWAY TRAFFIC CONGESTION IN THE DENVER REGION. Of note were presentation results showing there was no regional daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) change from 2018. Weekday VMT per capita decreased from an estimated 25.7 to 25.4 miles per day. The 2040 Metro Vision Target is 23 VMT per Capita. The TAC was then given an update on the status of the fiscally constrained project and program investment priorities for the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (2050 MVRTP). Projects were submitted through County Transportation Forums over the summer. The interagency group (DRCOG, CDOT, RTD) was meeting frequently to consider projects as well. Feedback on projects was obtained from DRCOG’s Civic Advisory and Youth Advisory Groups showing support for more bike/ped/transit options over road widening projects.
Next steps for 2050 MVRTP:
October 5 TAC
• Present status of developing fiscally constrained project and program investment priorities • Seeking
input from TAC to carry forward into the interagency process
Interagency Group Meetings
• Complete recommendations for draft fiscally constrained projects
October 26th TAC Meeting
• Consensus and endorsement of draft fiscally constrained investments
According to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the Denver metro has had more alerts for fine particulate matter so far in 2020 than any full year in the last decade. Read more
While Republicans have raised alarms about the potential for fraud in mail balloting without finding much evidence and Democrats have focused on fighting any effort to suppress the vote, elections officials have come to accept that thousands of people may be disenfranchised in each mail ballot election when their valid votes are rejected and voters fail to fix them. Read more
The Denver Streets Partnership met on October 2, 2020. The following topics were discussed:
- Depave – Jaime Lewis
- Article presented about unused or damaged pavement being removed
- This pavement is unnecessary and removal prevents contaminants getting into water system
- Needs a lot more research done – Jaime will do more research and bring it back to the group
- Hilarie Portell suggested getting in touch with the Climate Change Initiative people
- Deya Zavala suggested getting in touch with MetroDNA or SPARCC
- https://depave.org
- DOTI Advisory Board – Leslie Twarogowski
- Ballot initiative to change the charter to have a DOTI advisory board (20-516)
- Goals:
- Have consistent interaction between community and DOTI
- Make this an outlet for the public to speak about their concerns
- Keeping everyone focused and accountable for the city-wide goals
- Have consistent interaction between community and DOTI
- Thoughts from DSP
- Having transparency is critical
- Need to make sure this isn’t a board that comes and goes
- Potential concern – could just add another bureaucratic layer to the process
- DSP budget meetings with City Council – Jill Locantore
- Bikes and sidewalks have been included
- This has become more consistently included
- Nice to see in a tight budget year
- Concern for the hiring freeze – will there be enough staff to manage these projects?
- Less funding for Vision Zero
- 7 meetings have been conducted so far
- Bikes and sidewalks have been included
- Climate Change Ballot Initiative – Danny Katz
- Working on vote yes to 2A messaging
- Doing outreach in Spanish
- There will be an online kickoff event – link to be sent to DSP group when they have it
- Please share
- Will also email talking points to DSP group to then share through social media, etc.
- 5280 Trail – Andrew Iltis
- 300 people are signed up to ride the trail in the next month
- Wanting to get people out on bikes/walking
- See the neighborhoods that don’t get enough attention right now
- Help draw people to these local businesses
- Goals & Objectives
- Mark the trail so that anyone can use the whole route easily on their own
- Re-engage neighbors to focus on outreach, equity, diversity, etc
- Tactical programming
- Create a concept program to fund activate zones and create more of a trail feel
- Strategies
- Establish sub-area project teams
- Feasible wayfinding scheme (DOTI)
- Identify permitting process
- Likely to be entirely ROW
- It’s hard to get these bigger things through
- Establish 5280 tactical programming review process
- Each neighborhood will hopefully get into polishing up their portion of the trail to attract more foot traffic and business
- Other Policy Advocacy Updates
- Community Transportation Networks – Molly McKinley
- Public meetings are wrapped up
- May be another opportunity for public engagement in Nov or Dec
- I-25/Belleview – Piep van Heuven
- Looking into highway interchange improvements
- This project is not currently funded
- A decision point is being reached
- Technical team has narrowed it down to two options
- They are recommending the split diamond option with would add an interchange at Union
- More phase-able
- Less construction
- Easier to raise funds
- Coming up next
- Oct 7th – presentation (no community participation)
- Register for webinar here
- Oct 21st – public feedback
- On going – public comment box
- Oct 7th – presentation (no community participation)
- RTD – Jill Locantore and Deya Zavala
- Severe budget shortfalls
- Potential to keep service cuts through 2026
- In Denver – 100,000 people will loose transportation access
- These are primarily people of color who will be affected
- There will be long lasting effects
- They are recommending the split diamond option with would add an interchange at Union
- Public meetings are wrapped up
- Community Transportation Networks – Molly McKinley
- Article presented about unused or damaged pavement being removed
FOX31, as part of Serving Those Who Serve, are proud to support our partners at Colorado Veterans Project as they host the Denver Veterans Day Virtual Run. Join us as we run to honor those who have served our country. Read more