First Female CEO At RTD Starts First Day; Wants To Listen More Than To Speak
NewsThe new boss at RTD officially started Monday morning. Debra Johnson has now become the organization’s first female general manager and CEO. She also happens to be a person of color.

Mask mandate extended: “Cancel those social plans,” says Polis
News"Cancel those social plans with other households," said Colorado Governor Jared Polis during a Monday afternoon press conference regarding the status of the state's fight against COVID-19.

Here’s what happened when I tried an MCA activation that combats loneliness through 36 questions
News“The first time I tried it, it actually gave me chills, because I could feel the other person’s voice in my ear. After months in pandemic, it almost feels like a substitution for touch.

Are You A Nerd For Politics And Geography? Colorado Has A Job For You
NewsColorado is now accepting applications for the state's redistricting commissions, the bodies that in 2021 will be in charge of drawing new congressional and state legislative districts.

Denver says all residents must be home by 10 p.m. to curb the spread of COVID-19
NewsBeginning Sunday, Denver is asking residents to stay home after 10 p.m. The restriction, which Hancock stopped short of calling a curfew, will last 30 days.

Colorado scientist appointed to lead federal climate change assessment
NewsBetsy Weatherhead, a former scientist at the University of Colorado and current fellow at Jupiter Intelligence, will direct the federal government’s comprehensive report on climate change.

AC Transit now offering real-time onboard crowding information
NewsThe automated passenger counter sensors are exclusively on Temp buses and now tell riders when the bus is empty or full.