How do you get around?
NewsTake the Denver Travel Survey and let your voice be heard.

USDOT’s HOPE Grant to strengthen Denver RTD’s efforts to help homeless people
NewsThe grant will allow Denver RTD to hire a full-time community outreach coordinator on issues affecting homeless residents.

Worst Practices: How Urban Planning Fails Vision Zero
NewsThis article will appear in Transportation Alternatives’ Vision Zero Cities Journal as part of the 2020 Vision Zero Cities Conference, Oct. 19-23. You can still register for the conference at visionzerocities.org.

How Far U.S. Street Safety Has Fallen Behind Europe, in Three Bombshell Charts
NewsThe United States has failed to reduce pedestrian and cyclist fatalities as fast as comparably affluent European nations, a new study finds — and the authors think we must employ the same simple, effective policies that they did to catch up…

Denver Issue 2A: Climate sales tax
NewsProposed tax would charge shoppers an extra 2.5 cents on every $10 purchase

Colorado Voter’s Guide For The 2020 RTD Board Of Directors
NewsDenver metro voters will find RTD board races toward the bottom of their ballot. But don’t let this placement let you think it isn’t important: RTD is one of the largest governments in the state of Colorado and currently faces a crisis unlike…

Medicare Monday – Virtual Medicare Educational Workshop Series
NewsMedicare Monday is now an annual virtual event series from October 19 to November 18, 2020 with Medicare educational workshops to help you be better informed and make necessary changes to your coverage. The virtual program includes information…

Understanding the Denver Bikelash
NewsAs a parent who tries to bike as much as possible with my kids, I welcome the new bikeways that the Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) is now delivering. I used to find it daunting to bike with my daughter the three…

The Denver metro has seen more air pollution this year than any year in the last decade
NewsAccording to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the Denver metro has had more alerts for fine particulate matter so far in 2020 than any full year in the last decade.