Senior Resource Center transportation services now closed
NewsI am writing today to friends and associates all bcc’d. I have known most of you for a number of years and wanted to share the bittersweet news.
Today is July 1st and the start of a new era for the SRC Transportation staff as one door closes…

Colorado highway department collecting public opinions on Front Range rail
NewsMoney is tight in Colorado right now, but the state highway department is trying to keep alive Gov. Jared Polis' long-term plan for Front Range commuter rail, and is asking the public for input.

Bustang to roll across Colorado again after a 3-month COVID-19 suspension of service
NewsThe popular statewide Bustang bus service will resume service this weekend, with buses rolling across Colorado highways for the first time since the service was suspended due to COVID-19 at the end of March.

Public transit isn’t dead
NewsIt’s just ready for a serious makeover, and cities are using COVID-19 as the catalyst for some long-overdue change.
Think of it as the ultimate spring cleaning solution, with the goal of drawing riders back and capturing subsequent revenue.…

As RTD gets our region moving again and prepares to resume fare collection, safety remains paramount
Polis: ‘Just Act As If Everybody Might Have Coronavirus’
NewsColorado epidemiologists said Wednesday afternoon that they're not seeing a big increase in COVID-19 cases like other states have since Colorado transitioned to its "safer-at-home phase," opening restaurants, gyms and other businesses.