Tag Archive for: Medical

International Rescue Committee (IRC) Denver
Member ResourceIn 1933, Albert Einstein and a small group of humanitarians formed what would become the International Rescue Committee. Today, they deliver lasting impact by providing health care, helping children learn, and empowering individuals and communities…

988 Colorado Mental Health Line
Member ResourceThe 988 Colorado Mental Health Line is available for free, immediate, human support 24/7. If you or someone you know is struggling with an emotional, mental health or substance use concern, call, text, or live chat with 988 today. We’re here…

Colorado Crisis Services
Member ResourceAny of the Mental Health Centers per county will have inpatient care that takes Medicaid. You can also locate them using Colorado Crisis Services website.
Contact information: Phone: 1-844-493-8255, or Text ""Talk"" to 38255

Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center
Member ResourceMt. Carmel Veterans Service Center provides transition and employment assistance, behavioral health and wellness, supportive services, connection to community resources, and safe event space for veterans, military members and their families.

Project Angel Heart
Member ResourceEach week, professional chefs and registered dietitians prepare thousands of delicious meals from scratch, and tailor to meet the specific medical and dietary needs of those who are ill. Volunteers help package and deliver each meal at no cost…

Dave’s Locker
Member ResourceDave's Locker is a community medical equipment service which loans crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, knee scooters, shower stools, grab bars, canes, bathroom aids, and MUCH MORE to anyone in need.
Contact information: Thomas J. Meiers | email:…

Denver Human Services – My Friend Ben
Member ResourceMyFriendBen is a tool that can help you understand which government benefits, programs and tax credits you’re eligible for. On average, in six (6) minutes, you will know the cash value of those programs and the time it takes to apply so you…

Colorado Coalition for the Homeless – Stout Street Clinic
Member ResourceThe clinic typically provides low-cost or free vaccines. Also, we have benefits navigators/enrollment specialists on-site that can help submit a Medicaid application for anyone that is currently does not have any healthcare coverage.

Arapahoe County Colorado Senior Services
Arapahoe, Member Resource Adult Protection investigates reports of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of seniors or at-risk adults and provides protective services Food, Financial and Medical Benefits for low-income adults, which can include the following benefits:…

National Medical Supply
Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Gilpin, Jefferson, Member ResourceCares for thousands of Colorado Medicaid patients with Medical Equipment, Nutritional Support, and Daily items like adult diapers and incontinent care.