DRCOG’s Ride Alliance Pilot Providers met on August 12 to continue plans for the implementation of a trip exchange pilot project. The joint MOU for providers is almost complete. The goal is to have the MOU between providers/DRCOG and the contracts for testing funds executed by the end of August 2020. The group is also very close to approving a data agreement. Additionally, a new contractor has tentatively been chosen to provide an alternative solution to an API, an essential part of the trip exchange long term.
The Ride Alliance website is almost complete. It will have some background information on the history of Ride Alliance, a short promotional video, an FAQ on who to get started, the link to the Routematch Portals, and partner information. Promotional materials will be purchased with the Ride Alliance (DRCOG) contact information and will be available for pilot partners to distribute and use. A training plan for provider partners is being discussed and finalized for the week of September 7th. DRCOG plans to schedule a larger stakeholder meeting to provide an update to community partners interested in Ride Alliance.