Ride Health has announced a new program aimed to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Read more
Articles about Transportation
*Information from Transportation for America newsletter
As millions follow their elected leaders’ directions and stay home from work and school, public transportation ridership is plummeting. Combined with increased costs for additional cleaning and with the economy slowing down quickly, transit is facing an economic apocalypse—unless Congress decides to make it a priority in their proposed economic stimulus.
We need you to take action. Tell your members of Congress to support emergency financial assistance for transit agencies.
(1) Coronavirus will have huge impacts on transit systems—here’s how Congress should help: Congress and the president are considering ways to provide much-needed boosts to the economy due to the impacts of the novel coronavirus. But simply pouring money into the existing transportation program as a whole will fail to help the people who rely on transit to access the health care system and will have impacts on transit service that will last for years to come. Read more on their blog > >
(2) Dear governor, our congestion “solutions” have failed: Governors and legislators in state houses across the country have a major role to play in ending the congestion con and spending our money on projects that will actually improve our lives—rather than just temporarily shortening some commutes by 30 seconds until the congestion returns. Help us make that a reality by sending your local officials a message—and check out our webinar on the Congestion Con from earlier this week. Read more about this on their blog >>
(3) What would a Green New Deal for transportation look like? Current federal transportation policy is diametrically opposed to addressing climate change. The Green New Deal framework released a year ago mostly left that fact unchanged. But a new report that T4America contributed to fills in those gaps and gives transportation policy the same visionary makeover to show what we could achieve if our transportation and climate goals were aligned. Read more on their blog > >
(1) Coronavirus is taking a big bite out of public transportation ridership in the US (The Verge): Transit ridership is plummeting all over the country as people limit their movement to slow down the spread of COVID-19—which is a good thing. Washington, DC’s transit agency rightfully praised Washingtonians for riding less this week. But revenue from ridership makes up a huge chunk of agencies’ budgets and falling ridership makes emergency funding for transit even more critical. The same day they thanked riders for staying home as asked, Metro also sent a letter to their congressional delegation projecting a $52 million per month deficit. Expect many more stories like this.
(2) A surge in biking to avoid crowded trains in NYC (New York Times): One upside of the recommended social distancing is that more people are biking. New York’s bikeshare system, Citibike, experienced a 60 percent increase in ridership this month, and the city is considering installing temporary bike lanes to meet demand. (Want to join the growing tide of bike riders? Here are some great tips on how to bike safely in spaces where cars are prioritized.)
(3) Covid-19: What if transit runs out of money? (Human Transit): Transit guru Jarrett Walker does a great job explaining the repercussions of falling ridership due to COVID-19 for transit agencies. If transit agencies continue to lose revenue, they’ll have to cut service, which can keep ridership low even after the pandemic subsides. “Remember, the riders you drive away due to service cuts will stay gone until the service improves again, while those who are just working from home will come back post-crisis if the service is still there,” writes Walker.
Denver shelters remain open for people experiencing homelessness with snowstorm approaching
DENVER – To protect the health and safety of the community and help limit the spread of COVID-19, all Denver Human Services facilities will be closed to the public beginning Thursday, March 19, 2020 until further notice. Outreach workers at partner organizations have also been recalled. Denver Human Services is locally run and state-supervised. The decision to temporarily close DHS facilities was made in accordance with guidance from the Colorado Department of Human Services.
While in-person transactions will be unavailable, staff will continue to offer critical support and safety services for Denver’s families through online and phone services from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Services and transactions accessible online or by phone through www.denvergov.org/humanservices or 720-944-4DHS (4347) include:
· Applying for benefits (food, cash, medical, child care assistance, RTD Live)
· Reporting changes
· Submitting documents
· Checking benefits status
· Paying child support
· Access information about rental assistance
· Download applications for energy assistance and property tax relief
To report child abuse or neglect, call 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437).
If you suspect that an older adult — or any adult that is considered “at-risk” — is being abused, neglected, or exploited, call our Adult Protective Services hotline at 720-944-4DHS (4347).
Essential operations will continue during this closure and many events and public meetings will proceed as virtual or call-in events. A regularly updated list of current closures, cancellations, and postponements can be found at www.denvergov.org.
While service delivery for Denver Human Services is changing, Denver shelters and services for people experiencing homelessness remain open to the public. As Denver anticipates a spring snowstorm, residents are encouraged to access existing shelters. Anyone needing access to shelter or anyone who encounters someone who needs shelter access, can call 2-1-1 (between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday) to be connected to available resources, including transportation assistance for those who are homeless and have disabilities. In an emergency, always call 9-1-1.
- We are not experiencing a prescription drug shortage
- Only about 2% of people infected are in danger
- There is no shortage in tests, only shortage in staff to administer tests to everyone who asks
- KP is trying not to “waste” tests on those experiencing symptoms but have not had contact with someone confirmed to have the virus
- Member should self-isolate when they are experiencing fever or shortness of breath, or if they are asymptomatic but have come into close contact with someone who tested positive
- KP is implementing “TeleCare,” which provides a virtual doctor to patients who can use chat to describe symptoms and issues
- Starting March 16th and until further notice, KP is cancelling “non-essential” appointments.
- KP suggests using pharmacy delivery for medications during this time
- Here are KP locations open until further notice:
- Open for urgent care: Aurora Centrepoint, Lakewood, LoneTree
- Primary care (appointment only): Acero in Pueblo, Arapahoe in Centennial, Loveland, Parkside in Colorado Springs, Rock Creek in Lafayette, Skyline in Denver
- Specialty Care: Lone Tree office in Denver, Franklin office in Denver, Rock Creek office in Lafayette
- Triage/COVID-19 Testing locations: Loveland, Rock Creek, Westminster, Lakewood, Aurora, Lone Tree, Parkside, Acero
Welcome to our social distancing bracket, because what else are you doing right now!
Maybe a lot of things, like your taxes. But you could also do none of the things, like put googly eyes on something. Read more