June 23 & June 30
For more information, call 303-602-6115
Bus passes and King Soopers gift cards will be given to the first 100 participants.
June 23 & June 30
For more information, call 303-602-6115
Bus passes and King Soopers gift cards will be given to the first 100 participants.
Denver County Local Coordinating Council
June 16, 2021; 9-10 AM
Zoom Meeting
Connected Colorado -Rachel Bolin, CDOT
Sun Valley Travel Training
2021 Goals
Member Updates
Next meeting:
July 21, 2021 at 9am
Zoom Meeting
Boulder County Mobility & Access Coalition (LCC), June 14, 2021
Other updates include items from Boulder County Vaccine Equity Coordinating Committee (VECC), Intelliride Statewide NEMT Broker Update, Mountain Mobility Working Group, and Mobility and Access for All Ages and Abilities Coordinated Human Services Plan Update, Upcoming Stakeholder Survey.
RTD Accountability Committee Presentation, Crystal Murillo and Elise Jones, AC Co-Chairs
City of Boulder ADA Self-Evaluation & Transition Plan, Jenny Godwin, COB Planner
The next meeting will be Monday, July 12, 2021 2:00-3:50pm
Community Active Living Coalition (CALC) June 9, 2021
Community Updates
Brainstorming Sessions
Attendees brainstormed ideas for a project funded by a microgrant through CALC. Ideas surrounded the ideas of walkability, bikeability, and access to safe spaces for physical activity. The 2 winning projects included an open play space event for youth with soccer balls, chalk, bubbles, etc. and a zumbathon at the park. Winners must complete project by August 11th.
A second grant was given to develop a Youth Built in Environment. Some ideas for this project include installations of picnic tables, trash cans, and a bike and bike equipment giveaway.
Next meeting is August 11th at 5:30pm
Jefferson County LCC – June 3, 2021
Update from Livable Communities, Karin Stewart –
Survey on what is important for Jeffco residents has been released. Here’s the Social Media/Email Blurb to post ASAP:
There needs to be more participation at the community level to identify what needs to happen and what/how Jeffco facilitates changes to be made.
The best champion is the county manager – they truly want to see change.
The county wants to identify the different groups that aren’t participating and find out how to include them – how should we pitch to those groups?
Dave Ruchman suggested the county manager reach out to city managers.
Report on Governor’s Accountability Committee, Krystin Trustman
The survey to provide feedback on the Accountability Committee’s recommendations: https://drcog.cmail19.com/t/ViewEmail/d/BE41AE8EC20CC4762540EF23F30FEDED/D3BA6C9B7864E1E6419C69E1CEBE89F9 The LCC agreed the survey was written for people who were already involved in the process, not the public.
Problem with focus on NW Rail. Other areas in the metro didn’t get the train or bus improvements they were promised either.
Report on Reimagine RTD, Mike Hughes
Two meetings since the Covid Hiatus, but the meetings have not generated a lot of discussion.
The Reimagine group is looking at the 40-year plan, however some feel they should to be looking at the near term.
Some of group said – “let’s get good at bus service and stop looking at bigger pictures”.
Reimagine has not been talking about significant things like Front Rage rail, or possibly selling some of their assets to another entity to manage transportation.
Kate Williams reported CDOT has created “Connected Colorado” to incorporate all types of transportation to improve transportation in the state.
Continuing Discussion – Future Direction of LCC, including working with more closely with Jefferson County – strategy and tactics
Joe Lamers thinks the LCC needs to talk to the commissioners and county staff about what they think the LCC needs to do.
Mike Hughes believes CDOT is shifting their focus: limiting greenhouse gas emissions. It would be a good idea to have someone come from CDOT come to talk about their ideas and how that will impact Jeffco, Changes in thinking about transportation will affect all of the counties in the Denver metro area, so now the Jeffco LCC has the ability to nudge the county about improving transportation and move into the 21st century thinking.
The service adjustments support modest increases in ridership, improve on-time performance and increase service reliability. With this set of changes, RTD will also lift vehicle capacity limits that have been in place throughout the pandemic, a move that aligns service levels with available staff resources and helps RTD prepare for additional increases in ridership with summer events and more people returning to the office. To review the service changes, visit RTD’s website.