There was committee meetings last night.
First, communications committee, and customer service committee:
Under communications committee there was robust discussion on reduction of services and canceling service.
The light rail service that was targeted for reduction was R line. Director Broom said there was a 6.9% increase in ridership. Director Broom suggested they leave the R line running as it currently is. However, it appears the reduction on the R line will still go through.
There is one more light rail that is slated to be canceling on the weekend which was the D line.
There was much more discussion around trip reduction and to which lines were to be canceled.
The report on access a ride was exploring the possibility of using Uber as a means of transporting ambulatory passengers; using the buses for passengers in wheel chairs.
Next was the auditing committee. There was discussion surrounding the budget and taking the money gained from reduction of bus times and canceling buses and putting it into a fund that the board could use later for putting buses back on the line in the future.