Denver County Local Coordinating Council
November 17, 2021; 9-10 AM
Zoom Meeting
Blake Van Jacobs – CDOT, Carol Buchanan – DRMAC, Charlie Stanfield – RTD, Dani McLean – CDOT, David Krutsinger – DOTI, Jaime Lewis – Colorado Cross Disability Coalition, Julia Wcislo – CDOT, Justin Begley – City and County of Denver, Kenna Davis – DRMAC TATF, Matthew Helfant – DRCOG, Mayra Gonzales – Montbello Organizing Committee, Michael Davies – RTD, Sharon Alton – Downtown Denver Partnership
Reimagine RTD – Charlie Stanfield, RTD
- Rebuilding Service Update
- Core network is seeing the most ridership during the pandemic
- Peak AM and PM peak ridership is starting to come back; lessened during the pandemic
- Labor is a constraint to bringing back service
- System Optimization Plan
- Assessed existing services, reviewed existing travel patterns, looked at finances, reached out to the public
- Recommendations include: Service Sector Working Groups, LRT rail patterns (C and F patterns would only run during special events),
- Mobility Plan for the Future
- Looking at current and future states, how RTD responds with strategies to develop a vision with six guiding principles
- Fleet electrification planning – which routes can utilize battery electric buses
- Questions
- Jaime: Are there liaisons for the new federal funding?
- Charlie: Yes, we have people that work with the funding sources.
- David: How are you building back service?
- Cooper: Already looking at May 2022 service updates; do not want to promise service we cannot run due to the labor shortage, staying conservative with service.
- Jaime: Are there liaisons for the new federal funding?
Denver Moves Transit: Phase 2/Implementation – Just Begley, CCD DOTI
- Denver Moves: Transit is the City’s vision for how to operate transit and supplement RTD service. Effort started in 2016 and plan adopted in 2019. The plan included implementing high-quality, reliable transit, providing frequent service, improving access and connections to transit, building a sense of place, and make the most of our investments.
- The Transit Program includes: Capital Investment Corridors, Speed and Reliability, passenger amenities, transit service, and transportation demand management.
- Denver Moves: Transit – Phase 2 includes realizing Phase 1 of the vision, empower a transit division with DOTI, develop a preferred Denver transit implementation scenario, identify funding strategies, and focusing on equity.
- Priorities to Implementation include shape capital scenarios, testing scenarios, confirm level of investment, investment sequencing and funding, and implementation plan.
- Implementation will ramp up through 2050
- Short-term 2022-2030 – BRT and Speed and Reliability Tier 1 Corridors
- Mid-term 2030-2040 – BRT and Speed and Reliability Tier 2 Corridors
- Long-term 2040-2050 – BRT and Speed and Reliability Tier 3 Corridors
- Questions
- Jaime: Any emphasis on first/last mile connections?
- Justin: Not with this study, but ongoing efforts.
- Matthew: Is the City considering any direct recipient status for investments?
- David: Long-term we are moving in that direction but want to do it in a constructive way so that we are not taking money from RTD and that the City is implementing things that maybe RTD is not well-positioned to implement.
- Matthew: I agree that it makes sense to coordinate with RTD when it comes to pursuing FTA funding/becoming a direct recipient. It may make sense to pursue funding for capital improvements for future BRT corridors where RTD would run service/is already running frequent service when RTD does not have the bandwidth to manage the project. As someone who was heavily involved in an organization who became a new FTA recipient, I would say there is significant work involved but it’s not as scary as it may seem because FTA staff were very helpful along the way and continue to be very helpful.
- Jaime: Any emphasis on first/last mile connections?
Parade of Lights – Sharon Alton, Downtown Denver Partnership
- 47th year of the Parade of Lights – December 4th at 6PM
- typically have 2,000 people on Bannock St, this year having tents for purchase in the VIP viewing area.
- The parade route will follow the same route as years previous.
- The parade crossed 16th Street Mall twice, the MallRide does not shut down, just pauses during the parade.
- Stationary Floats will be across Downtown December 5th – 26th
- Questions
- Jaime: How are the new bathrooms working downtown?
- Sharon: Restrooms at Skyline Park and on Champa Street – not sure how they will be advertised. Pavilions have a public restroom as well.
- Jaime: How are the new bathrooms working downtown?
Community Updates
- Carol: DRMAC is hosting Annual Meeting on December 7th at 2:30PM; Carol is leaving DRMAC to move to Estes Park, this is her last DCLCC.
- Matthew: DRCOG had a call for projects released last week, there is a workshop today at 2pm for anyone interested in applying.
- Julia: CDOT Division of Transit and Rail has finished the super call for projects, currently working to get awards budgeted.
- Michael: The Federal Infrastructure Bill will give a 43% increase to transit funding.
- Dani: No updates on my end (for those of you who don’t know me or remember me, I’m working on gender equity and transit, exploring women’s + LGBT folks’ needs in transit.) Just always looking to connect with folks who are interested in learning more. And, I am working on developing my survey, and that should get rolling at the beginning of next year!!
Next meeting Date: Wednesday, December 15 at 9am