Member Highlight: DRMAC’s Getting There app – Ashley Doty, Program Manager
Ashley gave a demo of DRMAC’s Getting There app. Anyone who is interested in learning more or having a demo done for their group can contact Ashley at
Since the Last Meeting. . .
First there was an update given to the group and new attendees re: what happened at our last meeting and what has happened since. The focus of the project in Sun Valley is to target youth whereas most transportation projects in the Denver area have previously focused on older adults. The LCC is still trying to determine the best way to collect data on usage of public transportation by youth in this area.
The outreach and marketing subcommittee recently connected with Councilwoman Jamie Torres and received clarity on how to reach out to schools and with whom to connect. This group is also going to try and connect with non-profit agencies in the Sun Valley area for support. A meeting among interested parties is in the planning stages.
The data collection subcommittee has run into issues with a survey since they cannot distribute a formal survey to people under the age of 18. So the group must get more creative with their approach to date collection. Lindsey Alarcon from RTD also reported research had been done re: the cost of geofencing to do some social media outreach, but it was quite expensive and the return on investment was very low. There had been some discussion of applying for a micro grant from DOTI to cover the costs of some of these strategies, but it does not appear it will be necessary.
Stella Madrid from the Denver Housing Authority spoke to her connections and knowledge of the Sun Valley community and is available as a resource for data and questions in that area through past work they have done.
Draft Plan for Sun Valley Project
A draft plan for the project put together by Chair, Jyotsna Khatri was presented for feedback. Steps moving forward include of identifying organizations and schools to meet with through Zoom about transportation, looking into the regulations on Lyft scooters for transport, and creating a welcome back packet for people returning to public transportation in the area.
The next meeting will be January 20, 2021 at 9am with optional subcommittee meetings occurring in December.