With word of two effective vaccines for COVID-19 possibly on the horizon, Colorado is now faced with figuring out how to store, distribute and track the precious vials. Read more
In a 12-1 vote, Denver City Council approved a plan for the neighborhoods along East Colfax Avenue that will serve as a road map for development and zoning over the next twenty years. Read more
Gov. Jared Polis has made it official: He will soon call the state legislature back to the Capitol for a rare special session. The goal is to pass a package of bills to provide economic relief and stimulate the state’s economy during the worsening COVID-19 pandemic. Read more
Retrofitting ordinary curb space from free parking into “complete streets” will be a good move financially and aesthetically for all sorts of stakeholders. Incremental, bottoms-up approaches work the best. Read more
RTD is in need of dramatic reform to bring the agency out of its financial disaster and increase ridership while keeping operators and riders safe and healthy. Bobby Dishell is ready to take on that challenge. Read more
Maha Mahalingam moved from South India to the United States in 1980 and began graduate school. She was only 22 at the time and eventually moved to Colorado, where she settled with her family in Aurora. Read more