Community Counts!
Source: Human Network Services of Colorado
FREE Training Series, Community Counts! This program consists of four 2-hour seminars that will be run four times between March, 2020 and January, 2021. Community Counts! is funded…

Denver will ban cars in front of its city hall and ‘give it back to the people’ on April 21
NewsDenver will eliminate car traffic from the one-block portion of Bannock Street in front of the City and County Building this spring, making it a social place instead of a cut-through for drivers.

Op-Ed: It takes more than car-shaming to change car use
NewsPeople are most open to changing their travel habits during major life events, such as a move. But even a well-timed message isn’t enough.

House Bill Proposes Higher Corporate, Gas Taxes To Fund Transit Improvements
NewsIt's not yet clear whether the House bill will provide a sufficient amount of funding to meet the MBTA's needs for additional staff and new capital projects.

Technical Advisory Committee Feb. 24th 2020
Transit AdvocatesDRCOG’s Technical Advisory Committee met on Tuesday, February 24. Highlights included:
Approval of a one-time exception to the 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Waiting Lists Protocol in order to leverage $9 million of…

DRMAC at the Capitol
Transit AdvocatesOn February 26, DRMAC Executive Director Kate Williams and DRMAC Government Liaison Malia Munson attended an exciting event hosted by Chris Hansen, Senator for Colorado’s House District 6. This event, called HD 6 Day, is held every year to…

Lawmakers Propose A State-Managed ‘Turnaround’ Plan For RTD
NewsTwo key Democratic state lawmakers are pushing a proposal that could lead to significant changes and more oversight for the Regional Transportation District.

Finding More Ways for Passengers to Get to Their Destinations
Finding more ways for passengers to get to their destinations
RTD and Lyft have a shared vision of reducing single-occupancy vehicles on the road to improve traffic flow and decrease congestion. Initially joining together…

Letter to the Editor – Reduce Employee Road Time
Source: Denver Post - Letter to the Editor
Waking up to the reality that our air quality is unhealthy for more than half the year is a great reason to want positive change in how we manage our air. Sue McMillan makes a good point in…