Boulder County Mobility & Access Coalition (LCC), June 14, 2021
- The Boulder County Recreation Hessie and Eldo Shuttles will continue to run this summer to help get folks to popular hiking and recreation areas.
- Next50 Initiative Grant Equitable EV Carsharing Project with Via, Colorado CarShare, Mobility for All – Partnership of organizations will help support low/mixed income residents in Louisville to increase mobility options and increase access to places like grocery stores. Other goals include educating local communities on local transit options, building capacity for Via’s volunteer driver program, using an electric vehicle to support the grocery delivery program, improving mobility, and enhancing community engagement.
- Travel Training – Via has stopped their travel training and the Denver Regional Mobility and Access Council (DRMAC) is the main travel training program in the Denver Metro Region now. If you’re interested in DRMAC’s Getting There Travel Training please contact Program Manager, Latoya Prante, at for more information.
Other updates include items from Boulder County Vaccine Equity Coordinating Committee (VECC), Intelliride Statewide NEMT Broker Update, Mountain Mobility Working Group, and Mobility and Access for All Ages and Abilities Coordinated Human Services Plan Update, Upcoming Stakeholder Survey.
RTD Accountability Committee Presentation, Crystal Murillo and Elise Jones, AC Co-Chairs
- Discussion included proposed legislative recommendations for the 2021 legislative session to provide RTD with greater flexibility and opportunity to improve its finances and/or ridership, such as farebox ratio requirements and contracting with local governments & nonprofits. The RTD Accountability Committee is planning on recommending that RTD ensures transparency, restore laid-off staff, encourage vaccinations, simplify pass structures, consolidate all discounts into a free or heavily discounted fare that would cover equity populations, and more. Final recommendations will be included in the final report on July 1st. Further discussion surrounded the NW Rail Project and how RTD should use funds received for COVID should be used.
City of Boulder ADA Self-Evaluation & Transition Plan, Jenny Godwin, COB Planner
- The City of Boulder and Be Heard Boulder are conducting an ADA Self-Evaluation Executive Summary Review to help identify improvements needed to make sure the city’s transportation system is compliant with the ADA. Some main features revealed through the self evaluation include multiple barriers, gaps in data tracking/monitoring, funding challenges, and inconsistency in design standards. The feedback survey can be found and filled out here:
The next meeting will be Monday, July 12, 2021 2:00-3:50pm