The Jefferson County Local Coordinating Council (Jeffco LCC) met on Thursday May 6 at 1:30. The information about their regular meeting – date, time, and contact – can be found here. There were 16 people in attendance, including several RTD Directors. The Chair, Joe Lamars, introduced Angel Bond from the Boulder LCC, who presented on her LCC – how it was formed, how it is supported, who attends, how they have generated funding to have staff, and what they believe their successes have been. The Jeffco group had lots of questions; a spirited discussion ensued. The conclusion was that a successful LCC should have projects and a planning process. The Jeffco LCC has had both in the past but doesn’t have a specific project or goal at this moment. The 2nd topic on the agenda was the RTD Advisory Councils’ possible sub-regional committees. The group discussed their inclinations – to apply or not to apply – toward this as yet undefined possibility. The members held a variety of sentiments; no conclusion was reached. The next meeting is on Thursday June 3 at 1:30 and will be held virtually.
This Wednesday from 5/5 from 10-11am Denver Workforce Services and AARP will be hosting a Back to Work 50+ workshop. This will be followed by four coaching sessions on networking, resume and cover letter writing, self-marketing and LinkedIn, upskilling, and recruiter Q&A. See the flyer attached.
Also, Andrew Steward, a PhD candidate at the University of Denver, is doing work on internalized ageism and racialized ageism. See the below message from Andrew and the two attached flyers.
You are invited to participate in a research study focused on better understanding racialized ageism among Black, Latinx, Asian, and White older adults. You are eligible to participate in this study if you are 60+ years of age, live in the Mountain West region of the United States, and self-identify as having one or more of the following racial or ethnic backgrounds: Black, Latinx, Asian, or White. The purpose of this study is to explore the perspective and lived experience of racialized ageism among older adults, including ways of coping and finding support.
If you decide to participate, please understand your participation is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw at any time. You will be invited to participate in a 60 min. Zoom interview. This interview will be audio recorded. The researchers will make every effort to preserve your confidentiality. You will receive a $30 electronic Target gift card via email within 2 weeks after completion of the interview.
If you would like to participate or have any questions, please contact the Principal Investigator, Andrew Steward, LCSW, PhD Candidate, at or (505) 412-3077. You may also contact the Faculty Sponsor, Nicole Nicotera, PhD, LICSW, at
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Via Transit Talks – 4/22/2021 (Updated)
During Via’s ‘Go Big, Go Electric’ Transit Talk, Frank Bruno, CEO, shared that Via’s new Strategic Plan will guide how Via will expand its paratransit and public transit services while being financially and environmentally sustainable.
Currently, Via has 4 electric HOP buses; three new Proterra buses, and a repowered 2004 diesel that was converted by Lightning Systems. Via’s goal is to have an entirely electric HOP fleet by 2030 and plans to convert their entire fleet to net-zero emissions. In addition, the City of Boulder has grants for three more battery-electric buses that haven’t been purchased yet.
To reach net-zero, Via plans to create an onsite microgrid to produce electricity through clean renewable solar energy to power 15 electric HOP vehicles and their building, eventually expanding this microgrid to power their entire operation.
Funding is the biggest obstacle to converting an entire fleet of vehicles from fossil fuels to renewable energy. While federal grants traditionally cover 80% of new capital expenditures, the funding for electric vehicles is more competitive it is unlikely that these grants will cover such a large portion of the new buses. Via is launching a Net Zero Fund to secure the required funds.
The panel also included guests from Boulder Valley School District, CU Boulder, the City of Boulder, and Microgrid Labs. It was extremely interesting how Boulder Valley Schools, Boulder, and CU were going all-in on as much solar electricity as they could.
SAPGA Legislative Caucus on Aging – 4/23/21
State Senator Joann Ginal said the state needs to make sure that all seniors are coming out of COVID well and are being helped. She has tried to add $10M to the Area Agencies on Aging, Meals on Wheels and Housing but, that failed. To some extent, seniors are not incorporated into the federal stimulus. The violent arrest of the 73-year-old woman in Loveland shows that more education is needed for our public safety personnel.
State Representative Mary Young co-sponsored a bill for workforce development making sure seniors are called out in the bill.
From Bob Murphy, State Director for AARP Colorado:
- Colorado is up to 19 Age-Friendly Communities/Lifelong Colorado localities.
- 85% of people want to age in place in Colorado.
- By 2065, the over 65 group will outnumber those under 18.
From Jarrett Hughes: Colorado is the 2nd fastest ageing state
From the National Civic League: They will be hosting an Equity in Aging workshop on 6/3, 9am-1pm. There was no URL offered for this workshop.
Denver South Employees Transportation Champions – 4/13/21
This was a very interesting program on Reimagine RTD and CDPHE’s Employee Trip Reduction Program (ETRP).
Reimagine is moving towards a system redesign to better serve the Denver metro area for the future. They hope to create performance measures for the system and restore the trust of the people who should be using the system. They want to meet the future needs of the RTD traveling public. RTD is working on a market and travel demand analysis.
The State has passed legislation regarding greenhouse gasses. ETRP is in its development process for businesses with over 100 employees to deal with single occupancy vehicles (SOV). Those businesses will need to identify an Employer Transportation Coordinator with annual reporting. A rule will be proposed for the state which will be heard by the Regional Air Quality Council in August. By mid 2022 an ETRP plan must be implemented and finalized by the state.
Kristen Christy is often called a subject matter expert on the issue of veterans’ suicide, but it’s not by choice. Twelve years ago, her husband Don, a Lt. Col. in the Air Force, died by suicide. Read more